Holy shit, anyone see that Bears game? Wow. 38-6. I cant remember the last time they ever scored that many points, especially given how they've been performing in recent years.
The recording is done. Tried doing it at my house with a computer, a mixer, and some mics. What a pain in the ass. Never doing that again. Doesnt even sound too good.
Had a...
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Find an apartment yet?

So you are planning on going to the HorrorPops show?? Let me know if you want to do Moe's beforehand.

Are you just leaving this here in hopes that they'll have another game like that?? wink biggrin

I have had this song stuck in my head for longer than I can remember for the past few days. Ok, so maybe it wasnt longer than I can remember, but that is neither here nor there.

Everybody's saying silly things
Without knowing that life brings a change
And I've been checking all the signs
My friends say I'm love sick cause I...
All I...
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Well, my family is movin back up to Chicago, so lookin for apartments. I was alrted to a really nice $1200 a month one in downtown. three bedrooms. a/c, wooden floors, on the water. i'd have roomates, of course. cant afford that on my own, nor would i need three bedrooms ,heh.

In other news, I do think I would enjoy going to see Motorhead...
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I have an extra ticket if you wanna go with me smile

Listen to rap. Listen only , to rap. Always. robot

Well, here goes nothin. Oh, kinda new at using the journal/message boards here, so feel free to say hello if you like smile
Hmm, why did you change your name?

Welcome to the world of living SG members...