My life is spiralling out of d=contol. I'm so drunk right now. I;'m drinking all the time. I wish someone would pull me out of this but I know one one will. All I do is work and draw and drink. I'm happy but at the same time I'm so fucking miserable. It doesn't make sense.

Oh well, keep ploughing on I guess.
If you waited for someone to pull you out of it, you would be waiting forever love. All you can depend on is you in those situations. You have to dedicate yourself to that decision though.

Or maybe go get some help?
Hey y'all,

Life's real busy for me at the moment, but I'm enjoying things for now. I've finally quit my old job and I'm now full-time at the pub. I'm really enjoying it I have to say. I get on with all the staff and we have a good laugh. Although I'm drinking a lot more and eating a lot less. Need to kick some...
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Cheers for the info. Annoyingly it takes place the one week all year I'm working away frown
Hope you have a good one if you make it to the gig.
Yeah, organisation takes all the fun out of it!

Glad to hear the job's going well. We need to hang out soon - still have your drumstick pencils!
I'm quite drunk. I've got a mega busy week ahead. Update soon...I guess.
Then its a deal I got my drink and I shall get drunk for you smile haha and yes those are my nips
Aw I'd send you welsh cakes but I'm not sure they would survive the post smile.
I'd heard that about Bisley. I think I saw him but I just wandered past as the stuff on show wasn't that great. Certainly not classic Bisley. Maybe he thinks he can churn any old crap out & trade on his name.
You're cool man. As always smile Happy to see you're doing well smile
I had a dream last night. I dreamt I had psychic powers. I could use the power of my mind to do things. So, what do you think I did with this ultimate power? Help people? No. Get revenge on my enemies by popping their heads Testuo style. Wrong again. I spent the rest of the dream trying to have a psychic wank. I'm an...
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it's been too damn long since I last saw you, man...

just as well I'm in your neck o' the woods this weekend, then!

be good to see you, sir.
Nope never heard anyone say I look like Josh. For years people called me Randall because they thought I looked like the character from clerks.
I am so fucking stressed right now.

As some of you may know I'm attending the Bristol comic expo next weekend. I'll be selling my comics and prints etc. The comics I've been working on for the last 8 months or so. Costing me quite a bit of money. It's a risk, but I know it'll pay off. It's a big deal to me. A...
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frown I know it's going to work out, wish I could nip along to see your stand
OMG! Tell me where they are and I shall go punch them in the nose! Maybe don't use that printer in the future?? Arse hats! I hope the new printers come through for you... if not, do shit loads of doodle postcards in-between now and Friday - and maybe think about framing some of the work from your sketch books....
You know - these one of a kind pieces! I know it's not much, but if there is anything I can do for you, let me know, that includes a hug! Mike if off all next week... I might suggest a trip out, maybe visit the Pub you're working at for food?? And to come and say hello to!
Looking forward to Comicon, I can't believe I've been in the west country all this time and this is the first time I will have been!

So, you have to trust your new printer, and think calm and positive thoughts!!

See you soon!! xxx

First off thanks for your comments on my last blog about the predicament I've got myself into. I've decided not to go through with it. Okay, so I'd get to have a bit of fun with a really cute girl, but it's just not me. I think she almost had me convinced it wasn't really a big deal. But I'm sure it would be...
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I think you dodged a bullet there buddy smile

I shall make it to the con! I shall!
i want one of those prints! thats awesome!!! too bad i am on the other side of the world!! frown
I'm drunk. Just got back from a wedding do. I knew the bride. She's my lil sister's best friend. She's in her early 20's and she's got terminal cancer. It was the best wedding do I've ever been to.

I tend to well up at wedding anyway but this one was special. Was such a great night. Although there's always that thing of all the...
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Don't do it

All the best for comicon smile
I say don't do it. It might be fun for one night but do you really wanna get yourself into doing another mans wife? Do unto others as you would have them do to you and all that. You seem to be pretty awesome... Can't believe there isn't a lovely single girl for u somewhere nr by! smile
Hi SG,

How's you?

Life's mega busy times for me right now. But, its good I guess. I'm enjoying my new job...I guess. New people, new challenges and all that. It's been good for me. My social life has taken a real dive though which sucks.

I've been playing Pokemon White for a couple of weeks. It's okay. So far most of the new Pokemon...
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Fingers crossed the printers get in done in time this time! Make sure you don't sell all of them there too! Save me one!
Yeah, all work and no Ronin Dogs makes Tim go crazy. tongue
The fact that you can see the problem with drinking to cope, means that you'll probably do well at avoiding it. You can recognise the effects it has on you, so you know how to combat it if it does get too much. I wouldn't worry too much though - you're pretty sensible on that front! Except on your birthday, in the Bierkeller... wink

Do you know where there are a lot of hot chicks? The cycling scene! You should get ya'self a cheap bike and get out on it. Not only will you meet new people and some potential dates, but you'll get fit too. My friend Will is a mountain biker and he is always chatting up cyclist chicks on trails around Bristol.

Well you may not be excited about Ronin Dogs 2, but everyone else is, so crack on! biggrin
I like that the Grenade looks like a Boob! heehee....

And yes, put us on the list for a copy of Ronin Dogs 2, if there is such a list... if not, make one!

Ya know, you never know what's around the corner, 3 years ago, before I started seeing Mike, I was almost having a nervous break-down because, not only had I been single for.... I have no idea how long, but I had no idea what I was doing with my life, and well... there was all sorts of crap going on... then suddenly there was Mike, and now 3 years on, look where we are. I'm not saying it will happen exactly like that, but the old saying is true... 'things happen when you least expect them to' and 'you don't go looking for love, it finds you' that kinda thing. Don't beat yourself up!

You just need to remember.. you are awesome... because I said so.