It's strange that everytime it comes up I want to feel bad for some reason.
And I don't. I don't think I ever will and I want to just be okay with that.
I don't miss him at all. I never expected to.

What I miss most are the supposed friendships with the people I haven't talked to since I left.
I also miss my...
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I am going to hide this week.
Except for tomorrow, when MZD will be at Powell's.
I am going to hide out the rest of the week and get over this awful sickness and prepare to move this weekend.
I am going to hide this weekend. While everyone moves everything, I will be posted in a hotel room with champagne and I will be celebrating....
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thank you smile
moving sucks, good idea to drink in a hotel instead. you like Rushmore, thats rad. "these are O.R. scrubs. Oh, are they?" haha, one of my favorite lines ever.
I just got Brick and I need to watch it.
I haven't had time for much lately because I'm always running around doing a million things and planning a million more. I shall make a sit down plan very soon.
When vsiting peple go home and school starts again I should (hopefully) be a lot less busy and tired and on the verge of insane....
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My bike is a big deal now. I haven't been able to ride lately but that'll change after this weekend.

I need to get to Seattle for the Mountain Goats in-store that's happening on Monday night. I won't actually make it because of a lack of funds. That's sad because it's their only show in the NW and I have yet to see them.

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This place continues to amaze me.
I will never understand flakiness or saying you'll be somewhere at a certain time and then showing up an hour later and thinking it's cool. I think it's rude and chances are if you do this often I will begin to hate you. We all have phones and I don't think it's that diffcult to at least warn people...
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the xiu xiu poster is by eleanor grosch aka pushmepullyoudesigns. there is more info about it in the swap meet group
you are correct. they played their last 2 shows there this weekend. and i went up for it.

well...i went up for that and because i actually GET portland. such a lovely place.
I hate my neighbors. Their 17 children mostly. I slept horribly for the 127th time in a row and I have so much to do today. I might start drinking wine after my shower.
It really is quite pointless to get into TV shows these days. It seems like most people think I'm weird because I wait for a season to end and then I either download it or buy it on DVD, but almost everytime I get really into a show and I watch it while it's on, it ends up being cancelled. Like Arrested Development and Carnivale....
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I've finally reached the point where I have to look for work again. This is my least favorite part of life.
This and moving.
And awkward encounters.
I also am trying to find a job in my area, with little success. Michigan is not friendly to the unemployed unless they aren't actually looking for work, it seems. That is, if I'm to use our easily exploitable Unemployment Benefits Program by any measure. It's almost like they reward the people who are simply lazy while the people who get laid off or actually lose a job and wish to find more work get punished.

At any rate, I wanted to discuss Palaniuk. I read his books, and I sort of gave up on him. Like Stephen King, he's far too formulatic for me. The structure, the inherant bones, if you will, of his stories, are nearly identical and that sort of bothers me when a writer does that. I also dislike his constant reliance upon angst and how he treats it as actual pain in his characters. Angst is not pain, it is the expectation of pain. What I feel he usually ends up with is a bunch of high school characters running around in what appears to be a gritty and dirty episode of Curb Your Enthusiam. The only pain these people are experiencing is imaginary, and doesn't exist yet. I say if you're going to write books that are emotionally and psychologically charged, you need to locate the proper source, first. Fight Club was wonderful, but he should have stopped there and moved on to a different style of story-telling to keep his ideas fresh. I recall he attempted a sort of "travel guide" which I flipped through a bit, but nothing really grabbed me about it.

But that's just my opinion on his writing, heh. I've actually met the man, and he's a truely nice guy. Even took the time, after reading to us a few of his favorite parts, to field a massive amount of questions. He seems like someone, if I ever got the chance to sit down and have a coffee with him, we'd have a lot to talk about.

[Edited on May 16, 2006 8:57AM]
I just had to fight an overwhelming urge to type "scarecrow".
I don't know why.

It turns out one of my favorite people who I didn't know well enough in high school is in love with me as well. Now we live close to each other and the fun can begin.
I have read that book, and it's a wild one. In fact, I'm in the process of tracking down who I loaned it to, along with my copy of Zen and the Art of Archery and a book about Einstein. My friends are book theives smile