Got my new speakers, and am having a super pain setting them up! stupid desire for 6.1 sound!
Yes, but when is an audiophile happier than when he's tangled in a bale of speaker wire?
So, I get a call the other day....and it's to go host an event at DANTE's. For those people who don't know me that well. I used to be COOL and do neat club stuff. But I guess they're looking for an OLD SKOOL vibe...wierd eh?

So, I'm going to be doing a DJ thing with some friends at Dante's this Friday. Well actually, I'll...
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So, how was it? Were you sufficiently old school cool for them?
I went on a shopping spree in anticipation of the dead like me marathon.

I now own a decent soundsystem for the home theater

Harmon kardon 6.1 Surround sound with all matching surround sound speakers. I can't wait to catch it with the 7 speakers and the 90 inch screen. Fun!

In case you're wondering I buy my stuff from etronics.com they ship to canada,...
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I think the closest thing to a server crash would be if the board got knocked over, and the closest thing to the queue would be getting it all set up and ready to go, but for how big the game is, its not that bad-
Dead like me marathon is last weekend of April....

Yes, got your message. I leave on the 29th for choir tour and my friend claimed the 28th for spa day. If it starts before like 2 I can make it until then, otherwise I have to skip it. Which is really super depressing.
I know, I'm super depressed. But unless you want to switch it to a different weekend, them's the breaks. frown
I looked at my stack of boardgames and realized "Gasp! they're not really calling to me!"

Time to refresh the board games closet...

So I went trolling for board games on EBAY and this is what's coming to the house for an upcoming games night.

Evo: You get to be dinosaurs! Dinosaurs...

Queen's Necklace: compete to be the royal jewler

Ninja Burger: YOU must deliver...
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The last game I invested in was World of Warcraft the board game.. thats one epic bash of a game, and pretty easy learning curve too
I have the Buffy boardgame. It's excellent. So's Settlers. That one's a must have. Best board game made.

You should go to Mission out in St. Albert. The owner knows everything board game related, and if you're interested in a game but don't know how it goes or want to see it, he'll usually let you try it out in the store first.
I am officially wanting "Return of the Condor heroes" it was released in Chinese in 1983, and I watched the whole series on VHS....until the tapes broke. Yup must have watched that series at least 10 times.

It's finally been released with ENGLISH subtitles...now I can enlighten all my english speaking friends as to why Crouching tiger, hidder whatever...is both dull and unoriginal.

Return of...
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Aoede: *shudder*
Return of the Condor Heroes 1983 version....they did make newer ones you know....I find the older versions of that series really slow...

The Condor Heroes series has really been "Jing Yung's" most popular story because I swear to God, it never ever dies.
What do you know about Dead Like Me Season 3?
My official last day will be April 4th at Indigo, afterwhich I will be living the relaxing life for a month. Whee! The question is do I want to go to Europe for two weeks. A friend of mine is ... and the timing is perfect.
If you've got the money, it's wicked fun.
I think the hardest part about that would be to decide which part of europe you want to see mostwink
And a dead like me marathons sounds cool, just let me know the when and where and Ill see if my schedule allows for it
soon I have 2 weeks off again, it'll be dead like me season 3 hurray!

I'm also buying a car! Hurray for me, I should have it for May. Why May? Well dear readers , for that I'll have to keep you in suspense till Mid April.

And is it me or are all girls crazy? Some seem better at hiding it than others.
I have it on good authority that all women are indeed crazy.

Dead Like Me has a third season? Huh. Didn't know that.
Some very exciting things happening for me on the horizon. Can't say what right now.
It's all centered on the west end and downtown though.

Just cleaned house on my oscar pool. Sorry I haven't written more but I've been spending a lot of time buying/trading movies.

So far I've gotten over 20 movies this month (not burns) through peerflix. Go go Peerflix!


Is the link if you want to buy stuff from them. They sell movies for between $3 and $12 each. Yeeha! Just got Serenity for $9