In last 24 hours...
1. Had sex: Nope
2. Bought something: Yes. Fuel for the car
3. Gotten sick: Errr... Well i am sick, so does that count.
5. Been kissed: Yes. Wife (LauraBIGboobs), Eldest child, and youngest (sort of... Well she had her nose round her mouth)
6. Ate something: Well duh!
7. Felt stupid: More than likely yes
8. Talked to an ex: No actually.
9. Missed someone: Yeah. Thanks twitter.
10. Hugged someone: Yes. Kids & wife.
Last person who...
1. Slept in your bed: Wife. Youngest child...
2. Saw you cry : Wife.
3. Made you cry: Wife
4. You went to the movies with: Errr... yeah.
5. You went to the mall with: Wife & kids
Last person you...
1. Said "I Love You" to and meant it: Eldest child.
2. Got in a fight with: Wife
Have You...
3. Been to California: Nope
4. Been to Mexico: Nope
5. Been to China: Nope
6. Been to Canada: Nope
7. Been to Europe: Errr... Maybe
8. Been to Central America: Nope
Some more questions...
1. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes.
2. What book are you reading now: Deliverancce Lost
3. Worst feeling in the world: Being Lost
4. Future KIDS names: NO! NO MORE KIDS!!!!
6. What's under your bed: A whole loada crap!
7. Favorite sport to watch: F1 (Formula 1. Like Nascar, only better.0
8. Location: Stoke-on-trent, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
9. Piercing/Tattoos: nope
10. Do you drink: Yup
11. What are you most scared of right now: Dunno really
12. Where do you want to get married: Married? Again? Ha ha ha ha... You're kidding right?
13. Who do you really hate: Everybody really, just to differing degrees
14. Do you like being around people: Sometimes.
15. Have you ever liked someone you have no chance with: Well duh!
16. Have you ever cried: No, cos I've never had tear ducts or been a child... Tit
17. Are you lonely right now: In a house with 2 under 5's...
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: Carly Ray Jepsons Call Me Maybe, damn it... Oh now the muppets Mahna Mahnam... Oh frick now Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
19. Been in love: Yes
20. Played strip poker: Yep. And won! HA HA!
21. Gotten beaten up: Yes
22. Been on radio/TV: Yes
23. Been in a mosh-pit: Yes
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Yes
25. Skinny dipped: No
26. Real name: Pete
27. Height: 5' 8"
28. Fav food: Baked goods like pies and pasties and.... mmmmm baked stuff... Cake
29: Drink: I do <3 Long Island Ice Tea, but depends on my mood really...
1. Had sex: Nope
2. Bought something: Yes. Fuel for the car
3. Gotten sick: Errr... Well i am sick, so does that count.
5. Been kissed: Yes. Wife (LauraBIGboobs), Eldest child, and youngest (sort of... Well she had her nose round her mouth)
6. Ate something: Well duh!
7. Felt stupid: More than likely yes
8. Talked to an ex: No actually.
9. Missed someone: Yeah. Thanks twitter.

10. Hugged someone: Yes. Kids & wife.
Last person who...
1. Slept in your bed: Wife. Youngest child...
2. Saw you cry : Wife.
3. Made you cry: Wife
4. You went to the movies with: Errr... yeah.
5. You went to the mall with: Wife & kids
Last person you...
1. Said "I Love You" to and meant it: Eldest child.
2. Got in a fight with: Wife
Have You...
3. Been to California: Nope
4. Been to Mexico: Nope
5. Been to China: Nope
6. Been to Canada: Nope
7. Been to Europe: Errr... Maybe
8. Been to Central America: Nope
Some more questions...
1. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes.
2. What book are you reading now: Deliverancce Lost
3. Worst feeling in the world: Being Lost
4. Future KIDS names: NO! NO MORE KIDS!!!!
6. What's under your bed: A whole loada crap!
7. Favorite sport to watch: F1 (Formula 1. Like Nascar, only better.0
8. Location: Stoke-on-trent, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
9. Piercing/Tattoos: nope
10. Do you drink: Yup
11. What are you most scared of right now: Dunno really
12. Where do you want to get married: Married? Again? Ha ha ha ha... You're kidding right?
13. Who do you really hate: Everybody really, just to differing degrees
14. Do you like being around people: Sometimes.
15. Have you ever liked someone you have no chance with: Well duh!
16. Have you ever cried: No, cos I've never had tear ducts or been a child... Tit
17. Are you lonely right now: In a house with 2 under 5's...
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: Carly Ray Jepsons Call Me Maybe, damn it... Oh now the muppets Mahna Mahnam... Oh frick now Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
19. Been in love: Yes
20. Played strip poker: Yep. And won! HA HA!
21. Gotten beaten up: Yes
22. Been on radio/TV: Yes
23. Been in a mosh-pit: Yes
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Yes
25. Skinny dipped: No
26. Real name: Pete
27. Height: 5' 8"
28. Fav food: Baked goods like pies and pasties and.... mmmmm baked stuff... Cake
29: Drink: I do <3 Long Island Ice Tea, but depends on my mood really...