Well, I bumped into my ex the other day. That was akward. She was engaged to an old friend of mine and was pregnant with his kid. Nothing is more shocking than finding out your ex is pregnant. Even when you know it couldn't possibly be yours. eeek
Well, I think my personal renaissance is over for a while. I think I'm going to wait until after the holidays to anything else drastic. Although I do have to say that all of the sudden I can't get enough of old Wolverine comic books. The old canucklehead is just plain bad. I'm think I'm going to be Wolverine for Halloween next year.
Wolverine is good, but make sure your costume is really clear. People won't get it, and its annoying having to constantly say "I'm Wolverine Motherfucker" to people.
enjoy the X-men binge smile)
Well, had my first hunting experience last night. I don't know what came over me, but I just watched two does walk 15ft infront of me and never fired a shot. Maybe I just don't have the heart for it. Everyone tells me to go for the trophy buck, but I think they're crazy too. Oh well. I still had a great time being out...
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If you shoot a deer, make sure you eat it. Deer is pretty tasty, and it'll make you feel better about killing an animal.
Well, sorry to anyone I may have missed yesterday. Unfortunately, my event was a flop, but in all honesty I was late arriving due to circumstances beyond my control, so if you showed up on time and left before I arrived I'm very sorry to have missed you. I'm hoping this is only one of many gatherings. Hope to see y'all next time. wink
I don't know what's with me lately, but I've just become totally compulsive. Today I decided that I'm going to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the spring. Where this idea came from, I'm not entirely sure, but it seems like a good one for now, so I'm going to run with it. Let's see, vegan, survivalist, and religious pilgrim all in the matter of...
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sorry it took so long. i've been extremely busy lately.
welcome to the BCB group.
So, today this lady talked me into taking these survival courses. I'm not sure what brought this on, but lately I've been prone to making strange compulsive decisions. I'm still trying to figure out where this one came from, but I've also decided that these impulses aren't necessarily a bad thing. For the time being I'm just going to go with the flow and see...
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A survival course sounds like fun. I think its better than the vegan idea.
Well, I've given up on the whole vegan idea. Atom2 as well as a few of my friends pointed out that this involves a lot more thought and planning then I had expected. I think I'm still going to give straight vegetarian a shot though. Oh well, self exploration is my new thing lately anyway, so if things don't work out I'm not too worried...
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Well, I woke up the other day and decided to try giving vegan a shot. Unfortunately, I haven't been terribly successful so far as my entire house is filled with offending foodstuffs. I'm thinking this will only last a few weeks, but if that's enough time for me to detox then I'll be satisfied.
So you decided to be a vegan, just like that? No offense dude, but it doesn't sound like a well thought out plan. I'm not a vegan myself, but it sounds hard.
Well, I've finally gone and done it. I've entered the new age of digital music. eeek As much as I love my vynil I must admit that I like being able to carry my entire CD collection around with me in my pocket. I doubt I'll ever get rid of any of my albums though. Let's face it, when it really comes down to it I'm...
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hi! biggrin
y m i yer only friend!?! eeek
hehe oink
So I finally finished my management training for Border's Cafe. tongue It never ceases to amaze at how motivated I can become through these little spurts of inspiration. I also never realized how neurotic I can become when I realize that what I've been doing for the last two months was completely wrong. I'm hoping my staff doesn't learn to hate me, but I just can't...
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