i need a vacation. no -- i need a STAYcation. i just want to sleep. i think i might be getting to old for this.... shh!

so last night, i went to dinner with brett's parents, and his dad decided that i need to work on making babies with brett. well, ok, *i* don't have a problem with that, but brett might need some convincing....
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i know i have already said this, but i REALLY need to start exercising again! but my problem is that i can't fall asleep! and if i can't go to sleep, i can't wake up in the mornings. and with the time change, i can't do it in the evenings, because i am a chicken. maybe thursday before lunch and football, i can get a...
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ah, retail during the holidays. how i hate it.

i am getting the vegas itch again. i said i wasn't gonna go this year so i can save money, but i can't take it. i am gonna have to go. i wish i could find people who really would commit to going so it would be cheaper AND more fun. but i have crappy/flaky friends....
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my poor baby girl still has fever. no school tomorrow. today was a weird day. i think it's time for bed.

i love my spurs. they make me so happy. i got a GREAT compliment the other night. i was asked if i was a spurs fan, and brett answered "yeah, she is a really big fan. she's actually fun to watch the games with." awww, i knew i loved you for a reason. :p

uneventful day today. skye was sick so we stayed home. we...
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i really REALLY hate retail. i don't like people. they walk in the door and i just ignore them til they go away. yeah, yeah, they pay my paycheck, but I AM NOT A SALESPERSON. i am the "bookkeeper". basically, i just want to hide in my office and not talk to anyone except vendors and reps. the general public sucks. and it's not like...
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so sleepy! i wish i had about 6 more hours in a day. i feel like i don't have time to do ANYTHING. even my weekends are non-stop. i guess i choose that though. this weekend's plans are justin bieber with the kiddo, work saturday (no days off this week), and spurs game saturday night. go spurs go! i seriously can't get enough. which actually...
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