school goonae?

what? nevermind.
Oh, and I bought some wonderful DVDs today.

"Chungking Express"
"Once Upon a Time in China" Trilogy
"Ju Dou"

arumdapsumnida. (damned ignorance of banmal).

AND I share the birthday of Lee Yeong-Ae, ten years my senior.

I'm sure somewhere there's a resource for internet addiction. *sigh* And I'm also sure somewhere there's a resource for motivation-depletion.
I'm eleven years old. Today was the first day of school, and I'm taking a 100-level course as a senior . . . why doesn't my advisor's business cards have quotation marks on them?

Big books have taught me that when uncomfortable or unsatisfying things happen, it's likely that I deserve them; nay, earned them. Karma. *sigh* Only nine more months of school and Wal-Mart...
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The Olympics have opened my eyes to badminton. It's remarkable how fast and exciting this game is when it isn't being played at family functions, and when the slovenly Polish-Americans are replaced by Thais.

Also, I'm convinced that I can be a goaltender for the US Handball team, if such a team exists. The goalie serves no apparent function, and I think even Trevor Kidd...
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