oh my god, i havent been on here in sooooo long frown i fucking miss it, i dont have a phone line or internet connection right now. im at my sisters. hopefully ill be able to afford to get my phone hooked up soon.

Tired of sitting home on a Tuesday night?
Like to bowl, drink, or both?
Want to meet some fellow SG members?

Than, I've got something for you!

Come bowl in Grand Rapids!

If you are not in the SGKalamazoo group, feel free to join.
Too lazy / shy to do that or still waiting on approval? We will be at AMF Comet Lanes on 141 28th St in Grand Rapids, Tuesday June 26th at 8pm. It's conveniently located a few blocks east of 131!

Got question? Post them in the thread in the group or ask me!

Hope to see you there!!!
We're having a holiday party. Will you be attending?
1st off, the set w/apnea and benni yesterday, oh my god, right?

anyway, my sister finally came and aouditoned at my work last night. she did really well, she kinda dances a little to clubish sometimes, but she looked hot. i didnt think she was ever gonna actually do, shes been putting it off for over a month. so anyway, shes planning on working on...
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Thursdays suck at my club lately too, it's odd. Are summers slow for you guys? They always are for us but June was rad so I thought things would change this year. Alas, I was wrong...I had only one $100 tip day last week! I know the dancers are doing terrible too. Craptastic...
so, would u like to hear what my husband has to say about me? sure u would, ok, here we go

would you shiver under a knife
or would you welcome the blade
will your eyes roll back with the taste of blood
will you cum along with pain

i know what your waiting for
in your eyes
i see a dirty whore
i know...
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Wow that's complicated. I'm stumped...
theres got to be a happy medium when it comes to relationships. The nice guys always finish last, and thats for a REASON. Girls dont want a perfect man, they want a HALF perfect man, and a half asshole. lol Its true! Tell your husband he needss to be more assertive/assholish to make things work for you's smile
today i just feel like crying, i have to work tonight(and sundays suck sooooo bad, its so slow), im really really tired, i dont feel good(my head hurts, my throat hurts, my stomach hurts, im dizzy...), my husband is not in a very good mood either, so hes being not so nice to me, and to top it all off, i still cant stop thinking...
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I have one of the pics in my folder, I'm waiting for Brie to hopefully elaborate on what was wrong with it. She made it sound like it was a technical problem in her original rejection letter, she went on about how they really want me to try again soon. We'll see.
Do you find it hard to think of fresh ideas? I wish there was some way to search the entire database of sets to see if an idea was already taken. Why did your set get declined?
And hi right back to you. Sorry it took me a minute to respond, i was at the beach for a week.
ok, im having like a total personal crisis here, well not so much a crisis, more of an ordeal id say, anyway, i have like the biggest crush on a customer. no like more than a crush, i fucking like him. ok, i have not had feelings for another man in god, i dont even fucking know, i always just want chics. this is freaking...
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where do you work?
mmm, i love stormy

also i am in a good mood for once(hasnt happened much lately), anyway, i went through some of my old clothes in my closet and like 1/2 my "skinny" clothes fit, yippee. fucking dancing man, i dont know how much weight ive lost, but ive only worked there for a month and ive dropped like a size and a 1/2.

dancing always makes a girl thinner. Its all that excersize and hard work! Wish I was thin enough to dance agn, then I wouldnt have such a hard time tryin to lose this weight! lol
im sittin here looking through this catalog i got in the mail, its like got porn and erotic movies, and also just regular movies and a few books in it(the suicide girls book is in there), but anyway its making me think about the things that turn people on and why. i just doesnt make any sense to me how people can be turned on...
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ok, so ive been kinda depressed lately, right? yeah so i decided to drink a little bit to much last night and it turned out quite interesting.

i drank like a little less than a 1/2 pint of bacardi before i went to work. and then i had another drink when i got there, and little later i bought another, which i ended up giving...
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ok, so check this shit out

yesterday, i get to work, and i always go get dressed right away and then i can just chill until im up. so anyway i get there and as im walking back to the dressing room i noticed that no one was dancing, i just figured because we were in between shifts and there werent any customers at the...
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Did you at least make anything?
broken world reflected in her eyes
beautiful creature
perfect apathy
life is stolen from her stride
listless, souless
exquisite and grotesque
scars upon her flesh
blood red tears fall
wash away any sensations that are left
can you see her shadow?
can you tell she was ever here at all?
there is no room here for the dying
yet there is always room for death...
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