man work sucked so bad yesterday. it was soooooooo slow, i made 30 bucks after tip out, yay, go me. there was like seriouisly 2 hours where there was only 3 customers and they werent taking dances. when your on stage it was like dancing for a room full of chairs. it was terrible, i am not going to like working sundays, i was just...
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biggrin thanks babycakes
The industry kinda sucks. It was really bad for my self image! I love myself and doing that kinda made me doubt it!
man i dont know what the fuck is going on, i cant see any pics on here, like the pages are not coming up right. i cant even use any smilies cuz they arent there.

anyway, i gotta work tonight, i am agian nervous, that sucks. the dancing part is fine, im fine, but its in between that makes me nervous. like all the girls...
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I think you id great. I only reason I could tell you were new- was that i had seen your picture on the here.

Are the girls you work with rude or is it a "can she make it" type of thing?
Well i am gald to hear that things are lightening up. We will come see you again!
holy fuckin shit man, i am so exausted.

i have been doing way to much lately. i drank every night since tuesday, not today though. i hardley ever drink anymore, just on occasion, and since ive been drinkin, ive been smokin, not good. not good at all.

tuesday night, we went to parkway so i could watch, trying to calm my nerves.

wednesday night, i...
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so its official, i am now a dancer at parkway tropics, my 1st shift is tomorrow. yikes. i surprised myself last night though, i wasnt all that nervous when i actually went to dance. just before.

When do you work... i may have to come check out the new dancer...

The only time that I have ever been at parkway was about 5 years ago to see the guys on Saturday.

It was nice to meet you tonight. We may have to come down more often.

im sweating my fuckin ass off man, this is disgusting. puke

so tonight is the night. im am sooooo damn nervous, i dont like doing something unless im sure im doing it right. i dont even know how this is supposed to go down. whatever whatever

man i think i forgot to brush my teeth this morning, i should to do that

so, yeah, im auditioning at parkway wednesday. i am so fucking nervous eeek we went up there last wed. cuz theirs supossed to be auditions every wed. but no one auditioned. we gonna go up there again tomorrow so i can watch again. i dont know why i am so nervous. its not like ive never been to a strip club before. its not the naked...
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man i am so broke. my husbands just now starting to charge for tatoos biggrin yay!! but we owe so many people money. im thinkin about auditioning to be a dancer at parkway, we really need the money frown

i got a free tatoo today love , its only his 7th one. it looks good though biggrin

Gypsy smile
ooooooh!! nice! are u gonna show us or what girl? wink
i just dont wanna give a fuck anymore. about anything. period. just be me unapoligetically. fuck all yall.

thats all i have to say at this point in time.

im feeling lonely frown

my husband just got a job as a tatoo artist biggrin biggrin biggrin

that kicks ass

we just watched the sleeping dictionary, been fucking perving on jessica alba lately, but u know i do not think those were her breasts and that really sucks shocked whatever

oh well
