Here's a brief history lesson I learned lastnight. Apparently, there were more than just the 13 virtues of Benjamin Franklin that I'd grown up learning about. Franklin as a young man compiled a list of personal "great virtues" to which he planned to dedicate himself, listed in his autobiography - but these I'd never encountered on that list. Might these be mis-attributed? Somehow, I doubt...
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...is back again. For what seems like years now, the eerie tune of "Do Your Ears Hang Low?" has been drifting into my bedroom window on the warm breeze of spring, but from where it's coming from I can't quite tell. The development a few blocks away? The parking lot of the abandoned special ed school behind the backyard fence? Yet it never seems to...
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I hate making uncomfortable decisions. Or rather, dealing with the consequences from making them.

A few months ago I made my first foray into the world of online dating. Yay! Despite a few hurdles (recent discovery: a lot of people are really fucking RUDE when they have the relative anonymity of the internet behind them!), I've been in a happy, if somewhat rickety dating scenario...
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A little late, but it's time to share some fantastical vinyl discoveries from RSD '14. Wheeeeeee!

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By "let's", I basically mean "I". GEEK RANT! Aaaaaaaand.... go.

I'm a big Tolkien fan. Have read most of his texts, re-read them, and scour blogs about philology and mythology in relation to anything I need clarified from his writing. But I'm certainly no purist when it comes to creative deviation in switching from medium to medium. The Lord of the Rings movies are incredibly...
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@emibot, thanks. Clearly I'm a master of Photoshop.
it made me giggle :p 3 thumbs up!!

So strange, in fact, that I often feel as if the rest of the world is far stranger once I leave and return to normality. Despite all of the junk (and there is a LOT), the amount of stories that accompany the denizens of those creaky shelves is sort of mind boggling. In one corner hung a set of 12 marionette puppets from a Chinese...
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Never mind the context. I decided to have some fun while not doing job applications and make a list of as many words as I could think of that seem either or both weird and squishy. Behold! Onomatopoeia is fantastic if you can find an appropriate outlet for it! Also, many of these can be combined to make excellent insults when dealing with unwanted hecklers....
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Happy Easter. In my basket I got... creative struggles. Ugh.

So after spending days designing a new piece that I wanted to do in payons, this morning I went to apply the water-color finish today and realized that I had used a washable pen to do the inking and the entire piece is now un-finishable. Allow me to loose a short, violent exclamation. DAMN! WHY...
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So, as I'm raking the yard today I started thinking about how hard I laughed when I saw this:

It's nonsense. It's absurd. It's something that SHOULD make sense... but doesn't. Visually, it follows the tropes that lots of political soundbites adhere to, in an effort to make their point and make us see things their way - hark, scenes of tranquility and a guy...
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So, 2013 has been a year of mostly ups, though I still feel a bit down.

Maybe it's just the unemployment. Once I find a new job I hope the morass of boredom will lift. I've had two offers, but I refuse to go back to retail. Especially knowing that both will require me to work Thanksgiving day. I suppose it's a little snobbish and...
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