Well I think today is going to be the start of my diet. I've been weening myself off of sugar for the past few weeks. I stopped getting Starbucks every morning and haven't even had 1 Pop Tart! I have also had trouble sticking to my guns on any diet or just eating better in general. I can remember when I was younger it was...
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It's hard..I try to do no carbs every other week, and go to the track at he local highschool when I can..run a while, climb the bleachers..makes me feel like I'm making an effort..cause eff that Jillian Michaels shit..hahaha
Well, I guess this is a good place to start.....

P.S. Nicolelee I'm sad you're gonefrown. But happy you're still in town a little longer. Hopefully we will have time to visit.