Ugh, so now I am unrelateable. If that is a word. We went to the poudre river yeatserday to hang out and take in the sun. And on the way back a cd that was on had some people I knew on it. I told some stories of the artists and started a fire I guess. So I kind of got dumped.

I work in...
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Lame.... On behalf of my gender, I apologize for the young lady's bad form. I've come to realize that there are two types of people in general. Those who can handle creativity and "art based" livelihoods, and those that prefer inside-the-box, safe little office jobs. I guess creativity feels to unstable or something for these individuals to deal with??? I dunno.... whatever Anyway, hope you have fun at the show. Those guys kick ass!
Sometimes people are just bitches.

Fuck it, her loss.
Wow, been a while eh? Lets see whats shaking......

1. I am going to Brazil in August to work with a buddy down there on some sick dub action. That will be 5 days of mixing and eating like a pig. The day job is more than cool with it.

2. Met a girl, going well. She is Korean and a fan of the reggae...
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OMG, you're going to Brazil!!! Lucky Duck. I hope you have tons of fun smile Good luck with your Lady Friend, too!
So I got my pouges tickets. 60 Bucks each, jesus. I hope Shane McGowan does not join this mortal coil soon.

Other than that........heading up to portland on the 22nd of august. Go see my nephew on his b-day. I have to officiate a wedding the weekend before. Should be interesting. I have done 1 other. My cousin in california. That means I have to...
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oh bummer, i was gonna hit you up for Soundgarden tickets wink tongue

man, 60 bucks? i may have to pony up.
Yes, people look at me like I'm crazy or just a dick when I talk about music and production, especially when I go off on an Auto-tune rant. I'm allergic to the stuff, can't hear it at all or I start bitching and cussing until the horrible noise goes away.

Kudos to you for kicking the cigs, I need to, too...
Damn is anybody else going to die today? I had Ed McMahon and Farah Fawcett in my death pool game but not MJ. Whoever is next in line from the 80's might want to get their blood pressure checked. Seriously.

So what is shaking here in the LBC (Lower Baker Community)?

Avoiding drama I must say. It seems it is swirling around me with friends...
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Just sayin.
That's a bummer about your Boston gal. But unless she's consistently bringing out good things in you, it might have been a good decision to cut it all loose. Distance is rough, so it's doubly important that it "feeds" you and doesn't just drain you. Mellow is good, though. Leaves you open to new possibilities. smile
Woo some king hell thunderstorms rolled through here today. I got attacked by birdshit, then hail, lightning......a rainbow pops up then more hail must have been as big as quarters. Luckily the car is ok and I am too......

exciting i know......
Glad you survived the elements! (especially the bird poop! YIKES! eeek )
Those B1rd bombers can be brutal!
So I am going to be in the mastering chair again for a bit. That will be nice. I have 8 paying gigs coming up. So I can cut back at the dayjob for a bit. Work there has slowed down.

I am going to be travelling to seattle for some weekend gigs and recordings with a super secret band also. It will be fun....
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sounds like its gonna be a good summer for you!
Hello All,

I figured I would emerge out of the abyss and stop by and say hello. Been busy, travelling too much and boozing too little. So I wandered down the street to 3 Kings and had a few Jim Beams and a doob on the way home. I rented an apt in Baker in Denver to get off the mountain for a bit. I...
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Happy to hear things are going well with you!! I need to take a little trip to 3 Kings again. Last time I went, it was a blast and ran into a lot of people I used to work with and hang out with last year.
Ok, off to the desert. Yell at rocks, fish drive big bird over things. It will be a well deserved week.

Then back to the slog of a dayjob. That has been going ok, still weird. But this brotha has bills to pay and mastering has all but dried up. Might be that time to take a year off and find a desert island.

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Thanks for all the kind comments and messages. As to my resolve in matters like this. Alot has happened in my odd little existence on this marble to help me cope and deal with it is all. I have buried alot of friends I can say, family too. It does hit me I am not totally apathetic. I understand it then grieve.

Believe you me...
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*holds hand and yells with you*
Wow. Yelling at rocks in the desert sounds like a good idea to me. At least that's what I would want to do rather than be in a clusterfuck of people like Boston.

I hope you find peace.
Had to go and identify a body today with a friend. An old friend of ours finally killed himself after 4 tries. He got his wish.

Other than that off to Boston next week. Hope it works out well. I think the world could be a bit brighter right now....

Jesus, man! You constantly astound me with your resolve. Hang in there, my friend.
Boston! Look me up, yo.