
I was today years old when I found out “seeing snakes in their boots” was a term for being drunk in the 1920’s. So, in Toy Story, Woody saying “there’s a snake in my boot” was a reference to him being drunk! The more you know 🌈

Cute blog. There really was a snake in my boot, last year camping. And yes I was drunk, when I pulled my boot off. Before entering the the camper trailer. The next morning, first one up, and hungover wanting coffee. Excited the camper in my boxers, bare feet looking for my boots. I got one boot on, went to put the other boot on and was snake bit. By a little timber rattlesnake. I woke my girlfriend up, and told her to call 911, and the park rangers. I saved my own life, by cutting the bite open with a hunting knike. Lefting my foot to my mouth, and sucking the poison out. Then just fucking around with my girlfriend, I poured some whiskey on my foot. We where camping, on private property next to Mammoth Cave National Park. I really did save my life, because it took 2hrs for Park Rangers, and the 911 ambulance to find us. A timber rattlesnake bite is deadly.
@weedfarmer that’s amazing! Glad you’re alive!

So I’m doing the laundry at 2am because I don’t know what sleep is, and I grab an arm full of clothes out of the dryer and start transferring them to the table for folding. When I looked back though, I noticed I had dropped a couple things. And the first thing that came to my mind was “Oh great, I ruined Thanksgiving!” ...I think...
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Oh goodness, hope you get some rest soon

I’ve been trying to figure something out for a while now. So, throwing paper money is “making in rain”, throwing coins is “making it hail”, but what is it called if someone is throwing credit cards???

"Winning at Windows Solitaire" maybe?
A Rich bitch 🙈😂😂