i had the best day ever at the food and drink festival today. i got a bit tipsy on one glass of cider hahaha!!! i tink it was a continuance from the night before and then i fell asleep! but i bought the most angry cheese ever, its like the most strong cheese ive ever had. i have finally found my cheese high!!

ooooohhh and...
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i am very happy that dad and andy liked their fathers day pressies. and im and very very merry and very very happy on jaiger right now. dont make me laugh ahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the baby sand boas are here!!! i knew it wouldnt be long. they are so small and cute! and mum is doing fine too so all is well. although im a bit sad because i sold my first leopard gecko hatchling today which i looked after since it came out of the egg. he was so cool but they have to go to new homes...
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well still no snake babies. i can stand all this waiting! at least im not in my friend di's position. a rescued boa who looks fat but actually turned out to be preggas and will have 60+ babies!!!! anyone need a boa i know where to get one!!

off for a nice massage today. after the shambles of yesterdays fathers day shopping i think i...
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well im off to town today to buy fathers day presents for my dad, my stepdad and my boyfriend jai's dad. why cant there be a daughter day??

i shouldnt really shop for myself but i just cant resist a quick peek in new look and i really want a new flesh tunnel so thats ok. maybe go have a look in HMV too! i...
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Haha, cos every day is daughters day kiss
buy them all socks.
hi girls! happy to meet you all! im new to all this and wanting to raise my self esteme as i went through a horrible accident and have ended up with some horrible scars and put on some weight. so ive come on here to meet all the real girls and make friends and hopefully start to feel better about myself again. abi x x...
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Welcome to the site! smile