yeah.. my friend is soon to be a Suicide Girl.. can't wait..
Well.. Im back from the beach if anybody cares. It was most defiantly an interesting trip to say the least. For starters I saw Henry Rollins jive his spoken word jive and afterwards participated in the photo opp. He would seem like an intimidating guy because.. well hes fuckin Rollins, but in all reality hes not. He was nice enough, I guess. Anyhow, I should...
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HAHA IM glad you had fun!
off to the beach suckers!!!! this will be great considering i was snowed in for a few days this week... i'm fucking ready for summer.
John Frusciante comes out today!! its real good.
no i ave not seen circle in a while..since the last page 99 show.....but i took some nice pictures..one of them is the front banner for the cirlce website...
the word of the funk is "Clandestine" - to hide -- more at HELL: marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy : SURREPTITIOUS....

6 day till FL.... if all goes well..
okay, i will
Counting down the days to Florida.. T 7 days.. goddamn I need to get the fuck out of here. Away from everyone and anything that haunts me. It will be a week to savor. And I get to see Hank III along with H. Rollins before I leave.. yeah!! I just hope I have enough money to do it all.. skull
no i havent ever heard of them. any good?
yeah.. so, the world has not been such a great place in the past few weeks. some awful shit has been going down. surreal .. i suck at most everything. including photography, music, love, and anything else you can imagine. Not that those are in any sort of hierarchy.. but fuck it. Life goes on. Ill improve
yeah ive read your journal a few times because of you being lucenteen's friend. i dont goto JC often. its kind of annoying there.
but yeah, atd stands for at the drive-in. sorry about the grandpa. im supposed to go do a photo assignment on architecture but there is an overcast today mad
yeah.. so i saw Tim from Avail the other night an took some pictures. he's doing a solo project called FreeStateLine and it was his first show. the lighting in pictures suck, but i hate using flash. oh well, what can you do...

in other thoughts i wish i could stop falling for girls that have no interest in me.. love me and leave me....
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the Tim Pix are loaded to my stuff.. if you want to check them out.. ooo aaa

check out my pix..

you'll understand...
>Wow you do some great work. Im amazed. What do you teach??

Glad you enjoyed the images smile
I teach photography and digital art smile