U can call me freaky, freakitty or just kitty...
First of all, it's great to be here! When I was young I wanted to join SG, the models on this site have been my first inspirations for alternative style and sensual photography, it's a pleasure to have the opportunity to follow and interact more closely with people I appreciate.
I'm from SP, Brazil. I really
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You sound very interesting, and very passionate about your interests. I have been friends with someone in São Paulo for a few years now, but we had never met in person until last Thursday! He brings many of the music artists to S.P. and had contacted me because of my association with Jon Hassell. I hope to come there to play a festival sometime soon! I also have had many  cats as pets over the years, and dogs too more recently. I live in Venice Beach L.A. anyway, I just want to say that I admire the dedication you show in following your passions, it would seem  you must be fearless! and that is a rare quality. one is always lucky to know what they want to do early in life, i think it makes for a strong foundation.