Hello hello hello!

It's been a while since I updated my blog. Not much exciting in my life lately. Wake up, work, workout, work, sleep for about a minute. Rinse repeat. The workout is going ok. Except the morning run has cut off to ever few days. Picking up the second job has really pit stress on my ankle so running has been limited. The...
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ahhhh fishing.. a cure for all problems smile
Today is day one!

Today I actually managed to drag my worthless carcass out of bed and go running before work. I got up 1/2 hour early this morning (which is ungodly early just so you know.) But much to my suprise after I got over the initial crushing feeling of imminent death by massive heart explosion. And took a lovely shower. I felt amazingly...
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wow so much motivation I want that too biggrin
Keep it up wink
I've got the Monday mornin blue's... Bah humbug!puke
Me too!!
Turn that frown upside down wink
Thank you for the nice comment ! You're so sweet .
Ah well happy Monday denizens of SG. Trying to look on the positive side of things. smile
So how was everyone's weekends, besides too short?
Well hello SG land, to those of you whose mornings have started I wish you a lovely Friday.An to those who are still fast asleep, know that I am envious

It occurred to me this morning that for some one with my imagination, my command of the English language is lacking. Some of the subjects I wish I had paid more attention to in school...
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*phew* finally on my way to the airport, managed to get through all the stress of getting packed and ready and blah blah blah. Off to Arizona! Once I get there it will be nice. But damn is the process of getting there makes Me want to rip my hair out....I need a big bowl... Oh well I made myself a burbon and coke instead....
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Ah that's better.... For anyone that read yesterdays blog (does anyone even do that?) I woke up in a MUCH better mood today. Its a Tech N9ne kinda morning! Short blog today I'll update later as the day gets better.

Ooh Ar-e-o-la!
Woke up kinda down today. Don't really know why, anyone else have this happen to them? I tried to improve my mood with alittle Elvis radio on Pandora, but that only worked for abit. Eh it'll shake off eventually.I think I will switch to seether radio. I'm going to have to really push myself to get my workout in today just feels like I'm energy...
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Well goodmorning everyone! Happy hump day! Lol I only work till Thursday this week so today is my Wednesday if you will. I'm getting excited for my trip to Arizona, I'm flying out Friday so it's like I get a 5 day weekend. Who doesn't enjoy that? I'm finding I'm on this site a lot more then I originally intended, the community is just great...
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Boobs make all the difference. You can always grow some? surreal
well, I for one am glad to have you around daily wink