I finished an animation recently I created with a British musician named Monc. It is a combination of After Effects and Flash. It is called A Beautiful Life.

You can watch it in the following places: (if you'd like)
High Quality Quicktime on My Site
On YouTube
On MySpace
On Revver
On Newgrounds
Thanks for your comment on my last set, I'm glad you liked it! smile
12 Years Ill Spent Sale

Egads, for an undetermined period of time, 12 Years Ill Spent, my atrocious 184 page comic collection will be available at a reduced price of $12.50. This savings of one dollar and forty-five cents is yours to spend on whatever flavor of chewing gum or prophylactic you most enjoy. Visit Fourchinnigan Publications to punish yourself with more information.
Fourchinnigan Publications releases 12 Years Ill Spent and chinnypub.com

LOS ANGELES, CA--10 September 2006--
Fourchinnigan Publications releases two atrocities on an unsuspecting public: chinnypub.com and 12 Years Ill Spent, Fourchinnigans first book. Some people spend their lives seeking a cure for cancer, fighting injustice, or chasing hot chicks. Fourchinnigan spends his time polluting the Earth with bad comics and scribbles...
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