Well, had a good/bad weekend, my friend Dan has Pneumonia, so had to visit him in hospital, Mark my flat mate, brought home a really awful bit of trade, I ended up shouting at him at 2am about his trade, kknobe on my flannel and his cock in my sink.. nice.... got quite a large to do list, all rather boring and bits and bobs,...
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Thanks! I dont get enough compliments from the ladies.
Arrrgh, that was truly soul destroying, Speed dating, no guys that I liked, went too quick to get a good judgement of guys and guess what I think I scared a few of them. I am not scared of much, hell I walked on fire and fly, will pick up spiders and snakes, but I guess it is just because I haven't found anything that...
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You scared a few of them?
How could a beautiful woman such as yourself scare anybody?
I'm with you on the injections...i hate em too.
Not scared of them, just hate them.
You are much much better off without them.
You didn't do anything wrong. Most people are just too stupid and brainwashed to not realize a good thing when they see it.
I read about the speed dating thing. I thought I would get kind of the same thing you just described so I didn't give it much more thought after that.
Keep your chin up and It'll work itself out.

Hello..........yes I have a friend that speed dates in the UK a lot........he had many of the same complaints.......sorry it did not work out skull skull skull
Skived off class today, need to various internet wizzardry, call some folks and basically get my shit together at work.. also my Lao Shi is a pain in the arse, she really picked on me yesterday, just because i was a bit more confident for her liking (to be honest , I think it is the tattoos) Met with James (antibod)last night and had a...
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So meeting up with my first SG hook up, Antipopd, James, should be nice...
"and if you dont know now you know"
Have chilled out a bit about the whole video thing, I trust him. Although who he will have around his house.. that worries me. Still did a really cool set for SG!!!! should have it zipped up and sent to Missy next week! Mandarin classes all this week, and it is hen hao xie xie! Last night had dinner with Rob and Ravi, was really...
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Why oh Why do I do it to myself? Ok I slept with my friend, a good friend, we had before and now I am all over the place, I can smell himon my, not to mention that this auspicious occasion was videotaped..... Where will this fling/ 2nd night stand lead to? Who knows? I really know how to pickle myself! Other news,.. Photo shoot...
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Whoa, video taped??? That could be bad news if you guys fall out.
Ok So I got a bit of tattooing last night and BLED like a demon, WTF? It must me my new diet.... I'll stick at it and James will try again in a couple of weeks when I have healed. What else, Chinese summer school next week so I probably won't be around on here much, but it is only for a week. Been offered...
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saw yr post in the stitch n bitch community...have you been to subversive cross stitch.com? i just finished a cross stitch sampler from there that says "go fuck yourself" and am starting "irony is not dead" this weekend. smile
you are very beautiful, and I am sure you will be a SG soon, I cant wait to see smile
SO I seem to be getting the hang of this, need to make my photos smaller and as far as why my set was rejected, I don't think there was enough boob! Less time stripping Emma and just get your kit off! Ok, So i'll do that I have some guy gonna do TFP stuff so I'll get him to do some pictures. Got more...
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Better photo do you think peeps?

[Edited on Jul 08, 2004 2:33AM]
Well date tonight with Louis Hoover, and we shall see. Don't find him attractive but he seems fun and to be honest I have got to get used to going out dating! Last night picked up a dress and shoes from Danny for the wedding next week and spoke to this guy about life modelling, VERY dodgy, I lead the conversation, I carge X amount,...
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kiss smile
SO I saw my Italian lover last night, but didn't go there, he is gorgeous and smells so good, but I know its not going to get me anywhere or get me off, it is all such a rush, grabbing a quickie.... However I did get my first photo from Yuri though and it is GREAT, I'll stick it on my website later. Drinks with...
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...oh my god...
!!an italian boyfriend!!
biggrin frown biggrin frown biggrin frown biggrin frown
...oh, lucky you!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
...mmmhhh..it could be me....
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin kiss kiss biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
Pants, having trouble uploading my profile picture, tried bitmaps, joegs and giffs. Boo hoo.... Diet is going well though, got up naturally after 8 hours sleep, usually can't do it! I also had the weirdest dreams, Saturday night I dreamt of Mo, I was cuddling him and we were running some convention, then last night I dreamt that I was going to tattoo some guy...
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You should get that shit analysed. You'll probably find out you're borderline serial killer but it's one step on the road to enlightenment.

my tummy hurts hehhe
So is this wehre I put my new Journal Entry? Been on my diet for 2 days now, and I do believe it has worked already! At least my pee is clear, TMI! But I feel good on it, it is now 20mins to lunch and I'm not hungry like I usually am, off to the health food shop with my sister later and will...
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...no, you just have to go in preferences section...and change your profile' picture.
You have to be sure that it is of the right size. If it is too big it doesn't work. But it's immediate, you don't have to wait!!!
Congrats on the Bizzare thing!

I study at the Uni of Bristol myself...