So it's Friday again! There's Baseball to be played and papers to be written. I wonder what to start on first- Economics or Creative Writing? Something better left pondered over hot coffee and Cookie Crisp.

I have however managed to break my glasses again. It was inevitable. So now until it's replaced I patched them up by taping a chopstick to the side so it...
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Surprises are like a accidentally stabbing someone in the gut most times... Especially when said surprise involves me doing more work around the house due to lack of available hands. So what if I planned to work on a paper due next week, or study for my test tonight? I suppose because I was smart and jam-packed over 12 credit hours into 2-day school weeks...
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I don't doubt you are happy, and just dropping people isn't an option. Sorry your surprises were ruined frown I always find the best surprises are sex smile
You know, I was only looking at the not-so-good surprises. Sex is always a good surprise, as long as its not planned. "Hey honey you should come home, I have a surprise for you." could be seen as "I bought a new animal"surreal or "I invited your parents over."robot Not extremely appealling even if it means sexy time for me.

Now if I'm sitting home playing a game and WHAM! [A wild naked girl appearseeek] Now that's a great surprise well presented and probably one of a few things that will make me IMMEDIATELY drop my controller/turn off the game.

Surprise weed is almost if not as good as surprise sex, but I guess that's all based on perspective. I mean, it's an awesome surprise during laundry day when you find a blunt/spliff clip or even :gasp: a bag just chilling in a pants pocket waiting to be found
So wierd, the days that go on by. One can never paint a picture of how events will unfold until it happens. So plan if you must, just never let an opportunity slip past you. Whether it be for personal gain or if altruistism compels you to help someone in need. If you don`t someone else will.
You girls are amazing and if I had the time and money I'd like to meet all of you and at the least smoke a j and share some pizza. I look forward to seeing what this site has to offer.