So, although I keep telling myself I'm going to be more active on this site, it has yet to happen; however, I was just laying next to a fountain today watching the starts come out and the world seemed simple. Life was great! Didn't really have anywhere to post this, so here it is. It's amazing how something so far away can completely calm the...
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Two thousand years ago the night sky looked completely different, and so when you get right down to it, the Greek conceptions of star signs as related to birth dates are grossly inaccurate for today's day and age. It's called the Line of Procession: back then the sun didn't set in Taurus, but in Gemini. A September 24 birthday didn't mean you were a Libra,...
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Stability is a marketing scheme.
A letter to myself:

Hello Kam,

Tonight, you got drunk, you went out with your best of friends, and you return home, completely depressed. You don't know why, all that you assume is that for some reason your meds aren't working today. On the way home you want to punch signs, walls, anything to shatter any and every bone in your hand; yet you don't,...
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Ahhh yes, Valentine's Day. Now, I am not really one of those haters that has always been single on this glorious hallmark holiday; however, since one of ex's enlightened me to the "true" foundation of this holiday it has, and will forever be one of my personal favorites.

The fact is, that like many "Christian" holidays, it was (possibly) adapted from an ancient pagan ritual....
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Many of us know of the so called "Pandora's Box" from the Greek myths; however, most of us don't realize what the true story was. In the early days a god, Prometheus, gave humans fire and was chained to a mountain to have his liver eaten out on a daily basis, that however, was the god's punishment, Zeus still had to decide how to punish...
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Well it's been about a week since I joined SG. Admittedly, I haven't ever really "blogged" or "journal-ed" before so it's a new experience for me.
I'll start off my first ever with saying that SG is not what I expected at all. I've always enjoyed the beautiful pictures posted by several members, but after getting a membership my eyes were opened to a wonderful...
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