Well as the days get closer does anyone know of cool things to do and see in Los Angeles, California? I'm going for about a week and instead of turning to a tourist guide I'm kinda hoping to get some feedback from people that have had first hand experience or have been told about specific things that would be awesome to do or see.


So I am headed to LA on the 25th and have never been before, well never outside of LAX that is. Anyone know of things to do in the area? Wish I was going to be there on the 24th to catch the last tour date for SuicideGirls Blackheart Burlesque but I can't swing it. Just looking for any ideas. Going just to get away...
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Awesome show tonight 6-2-2017 in Indianapolis. I'm really looking forward to seeing what these amazingly talented ladies can do in future shoots and Tours.

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So cool babe ♥️