well where do i begin........ALOT has happened since my last post but this last month in particular has been a trip: i meet this chick at work, get piss drunk at her house and do her, although.. i was too drunk to remember it, things get akward at work, we try dating to smooth things, over dosent work out(big surprise biggrin)so tonight she says what...
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yeah some chicks are like that. im not one of them though ima kick ass chick but i seem to always be kicked around.
now do your boss.
Bye Bye frown frown
see ya.
*sniff* bye travis *sniff*
oh wait, i'll see you at work!
Its been a long time since i poster but i havent had muck to say i went through some personal stuff a week ago and that was fun frown I was really hoping to go to the Evanescence show on sunday i even took the days off but alas i wont have the cash frown frown frown
if i had my car and the cash i would have taken you to see evanesence. im a sweetie like that. take care and im sure youll get through your personal issues just fine and if ya need some moral support im here for ya.

rubber chicken of DOOM
Ugh skull i slept away most of my day offand im pissed about it mad oh well it was worth it after a 8 hour Oz binge(from 4:30am till 12:30pm) Yhat show is great kinda like crack but cheaper surreal biggrin
yeah, oz is a great show.

and nothin wrong with sleeping all day. that's my plans for the weekend.
Didn't make it to Lollapalooza, but I got to meet them when they were here in town for the SuperBowl show. smile
Whoo smile i just got back from my brothers house and im pretty drunk surreal we drank a bit... okay a little.....alright a lot and im drunk today at work was so incredibly crappy it started slow then picked up a bit then out of nowhere i was catapulted straight into hell mad and if things werent bad enough i developed a sore throat and a toothache over...
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thanks - I've given it some thought, but I have trouble coming up with enough interest to write for more than a couple pages on any given topic. Someday, I'll write something of substance, I hope. I'll let you know when drafts come about. If you're looking for really A1 quality stuff, check out rickroyal - sometimes he goes over my head, but more often than not, it's just really good stuff.
well another day with no progress(in life that is). well atleast i have this bottle of whiskey to comfort me biggrin i hate feeling like this but i get like this more and more these days frown i polished off my capn's yesterday and i dont think this bottle will last much longer(i just got it today) fuck....

to anyone who reads this: sorry for being so...
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Eh, could be worse, man. You could have syphliss.
We must go see Bubba Ho-Tep. The 19th in Seattle, man. It must be.
I was gonna buy some mixings today but didn't make it to cash my check in time, 4uxx0r! So, I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer, but we will have ti okay the Big Lebowski drinking game sometime soon, man.
So, yeah, I sent in an application to a bunch of theatres in Seattle, Salem, Portland, and neighboring areas. You should do the same with pizzeria's, man.
I was thinking it would be pretty cool to go over to the coast and maybe check out some of the great North when we go on this erstwhile vacation of ours. Just think, you can legally drink in Canada with the big Lumberjack dudes up there. Rock on!
I found all my old Soundgarden cd's if ya wanna check out some ol' skool Chris Cornell. Jesus Christ pose r0xx0rs my b0xx0rs, man. Anyway, don't be so fucking mopey. *Ian WHOOO!
Whiskey is good. Shame you're nearly out though. No need to be sorry about what you say in your journal! That's what it';s there for! Vent away smile

I hope things get better for you!


smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa
well i dont mave much to say today so here is my song of the day "The Idiots are Taking Over" by NoFx:

it's not the right time to be sober
now the idiots have taken over
spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership exceeding
tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
Watson, it's really elementary
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well thanks. And yeah - here's hoping things improve for all of us, eh? *clink* Senor Cuervo sends his regards to the Cap'n.
all things in moderation my friend...

no I didn't get to check out lollapalooza - see my broke-ass status in my journal = no $$ for concerts, though I would have liked to see the new APC.
*Sigh* frown i diddn't get the job at wal-mart i so desired which sucks so much i was so looking forward to getting paid a decent wage and 40 hours a week.frown Although i have no one to blame but myself as god is my witness i'm never smoking pot again mad it's just cost me too much, $$$ and a job,check that a good job frown oh...
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OH MAN that was so fucking cool LOLLAPALOOZA 2003 a day ill never forget im not feeling up to a long journal entry so go to Ian of Doom for a full report
well its been a long time since i last updated..... whats new??? well i had an interview today it went pretty well, i think, I have i guy on the inside with some pull so i guess im "in like flint". the last stumbling block is the "whiz quiz" then i got it. OH and Ian being the jewish god that he is love is loaning...
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Money is a little tight, just recently got laid off, so a concert right now is probably not a good idea. Whenever you are in Seattle, I am sure we will have something going on, we usually do things a couple times a week anyway,
Well, other than being a bit freaked out by the heart eye thing....*shudder* I am flattered. Yeah, this concert'll rock, man.
I wonder if some of the weird ass shit that happened to me will happen to you working overnight at Wal-Mart. Egads, man, I have seen some weird shit man....I HAVE SEEN SOME SHIT....
We should get you a fake I.D. before we go over to Seattle, man. Ha ha. Or, if nothing else, we can try to hang out with some of the other SG people there. r0xx0r.
UnderWorld comes out in like three weeks. Looks gnarly.
well that sucked. this is the first time ive been able to get on in awhile. Yesterday MSN was being a fuck and i slept until 5 minutes till i had to be AT work. fucking Resident Evil mad
what the hell ever happened to getting into a normal sleep routine?
i've decided sleep is a waste of time. trying to sleep is even more wasteful. replacing blood with coffee is the answer.