Today, women by the hundreds of thousands marched on cities around the world. They weren't alone though. I know that there were men marching right beside them.
If you were one of those men, or, ladies, if you know of one or more of those men. I would like to hear their stories.
I know that some of you feel comfortable sharing here, but, I
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Depression. Depression is a fickle bitch. It was about a year ago that I recognized that I was dealing with it. It's only been recently that I've begun to understand what that really means. It's one lie after another. If you begin to doubt the lies, your doubt becomes the lie. Some how, my logical side has remained unaffected. It's both a blessing and a
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Teamwork. As we plummet through this thing we call life we end up meeting someone and creating a powerful team. Souls are bared, trust is given. But, what about when that trust is broken? Your heart is broken. The ability to trust is gone. Not just with the person that broke the trust. But with everyone. the lesson has been learned. The only person you
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Everyone deals with a sense of loss at some point. It's feel like thing are over, or will never be better again. Despair takes over, depression sets in. Even in these darkest times it's important to remember that the story isn't over. It's just getting ready to get better. We need these times to allow us to grow, to learn more about ourselves.

It's ok
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