Ho hum. Supertired today, had to get up at sometime shortly after six to go see my doctor for the real checkup. However today I had to wait a lot, which was odd for a 9am appointment. Luckily I had Fool by Christopher Moore with me (I finished Jeffery Deaver's the Sleeping Doll and attempted to read Bang Crunch by Neil Smith, but wasn't feeling...
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Are you getting excited for the 10 for 10 show?
Pig Destroyer lyrics are hard to beat!
So I went to summer slaughter yesterday, pretty awesomeville, but for those interested is my rundown on the bands I managed to catch (I didn't get there until 5pm).

Decrepit Birth - They were in the middle of playing when I saw them, some very thumpy death that wasn't half bad but I was not that big into them. Proceeded to see the leader singer...
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oh oh oh! lets go to killswitch or bmth together? smile
All that angry music makes me want to reach for my Swiss army snatch. biggrin
My visit to peterborough went smoothly, spent most of it meandering around the city and reading my book since my buddy is kind of a shut-in period and this weekend he was free of his girlfriend so he did a lot of stuff that he can't do normally. On the whole, it was very boringville, so I decided to come back to get back to...
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i can't wait for Jennifer's Body to come out, though i'm a it skeptical of Megan Fox being the star whatever

i was about 15 minutes away from Peterborough this weekend! i was at a friend's cottage.

what bands do you want to see at summer slaughter?
Dude have fun at summer slaughter.I was there today and it was a killer time.
Alright, got to my useless doctor and got some drugs that should aid in my recovery of whatever decided it was funny to knock me on my ass. Finding a quality doctor is damned near impossible and it really doesn't help that mine is in the centre of the city while I live in the burbs, but so far the stuff appears to be working....
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i found my service in peterborough to be quite good, actually. but i am hardly ever there. also, i know of a quality doctor, but hes at main and danforth. very good guy, though. i've been going to him for like 5 years, my first family doctor retired frown
i think that we like all of the same music!!! you know Manchester Orchestra and Cephalic Carnage which is on opposite ends of the spectrum. That's awesome.

And I saw Eagle vs. Shark way before I watched FOTC. It was a random movie I rented. I LOVE FOTC but haven't seen any of the second season yet.
I would like it to stop raining so I can stop getting headaches/migraines every single guy, too much to ask? I think not!

Rather slow last couple of days, but things should start to pick back up a bit soon. I'm thinking of going to the SG zoo trip on Sunday especially if my pal Vesta is gonna go with. After that I'll bus back...
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yay! i'm happy someone noticed it was a killwhitneydead shirt!
I could never punch a swan in the face;but that girl Holli on degrassi on the other hand...boy is she a nasty girl, i mean come on! Could she be anymore rude? Oh God! I'm doing it again!
Ah to be home, so finally being back home in Toronto is a nice thing. Access to little things like a car and places that actually have things is such a godsend.

Before heading home I did get a few things started before leaving. I went and looked around for places that have meditation classes simply because I need less stress and anxiety during the...
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yeah it's amazing, but I always prefer darker literature. I haven't read the true blood books yet, but I love the show
Ahh I have Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! And Chuck is the man. Ever read any Jack Kerouac? If you like unique writings, he'll be the (beatnik)man of your dreams.
I'm SOOoo jealous you're seeing Eagles of Death Metal! I'll be missing it, but I'll be in Arizona which will also be rad. I even had to sell 16th row Incubus tickets because of my trip! It's bittersweet.
Alright, so it only took my dumb ass like 3 days to actually get my profile together, and thats on top of the like 3+ years it took me to get one of these, however there was someone important to thank for the push and still has to help me out with how to do things so I don't look like a complete idiot (and...
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Drag Me To Hell was rad, especially if you know what you're getting yourself into with Sam Raimi. I'll save you spoilers!

someone important to thank for the push

Eeeee, that's me! Welcome, welcome good buddy smile

For starters, check out some of my groups. I'll refer you need be!