"Your friend has a big dick" -- Haha, when she said that, it was the funniest and most awesome thing. It was awesome because she was talking about me. It was funny, because the friend I was with put his face in his palm, thinking, "what the fuck are you telling me for."
XkCD is a webcom that I don't really want to like, but I just can't help it, just like I can't help laughing at the science jokes in Big Bang Theory more than the actual, proper, jokes.

You have just got to love a room full of balloons. At least there's got to be some love in there somewhere for somebody to have blown them all up.
I have been wondering what I am going to do with this blog for quite some time now. Should I ramble about the little things that occur in my life. Should I focus on academic things? These are some of the questions I have been asking myself. However, they lead to more questions. Are other people interested in reading about my life? If I focus...
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I work with kids surreal
yeah maybe i should start a blog or something. man. old people love to talk about their bowels. eeergh.

thanks mister, the support is very much appreciated skull
Alright, why not. I don't think anyone is going to read this, but here goes...

So apparently the digitalWrite() function in the Arduino library is slow, according to this. As the article states, PORTD |= _BV(2) and PORTD &= ~_BV(2) really are much faster; however, they are also more difficult to understand. So essentially we end up sacrificing code readability for performance. This isn't...
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I read your blog and im confused
Strangely, I don't find it weird at all. I am the type of person who always gets fascinated by complete random things, who, when watching a movie with friends, often find herself more puzzled by the construction of a strange tool seemingly defying the laws of nature, than, say, the events in the movie. And I like grammar too, to a slightly disturbing level (although I did make a mistake in typing "keeps" instead of "keep"). Iit is nice to find people who are just as off the norm as I am.

Although your favourite drink does sound like a sad traffic accident. What is an Irish car bomb?