It is official: I'm 24.


B-day plans for today? Nothing fancy. It'll probably involve getting drunk after work while hanging with my peeps. *shrugs* The only reason I ever care about my birthdays is that it usually means getting some free stuff from the family. All of my birthdays have been rather anticlimatic, really.

Recent Develoments:

Work- some of the old wackiness has returned...
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Feeling like an old man yet? Mr. 24? I had my first hip replacement at 24, and I chased my first whippersnapper off my gol-darned porch too.
How goes, emperor? By your standards this is a long time with no update.

Originally, this post was going to be a brief review of the last book I've read, Joe Carlucci's "Rock And The Pop Narcotic: Testament For The Electric Church". I finished it a couple of days ago, and in that small span of time I pondered as how to best get across what...
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Okay so I didn't read that whole post - but Rock and the Pop Narcotic is easily one of THE best books on rock 'n roll.

And I've read a lot.
Happy birfday!

Inbetween shelving copies of "Fight Club" (which will sell lickety-split) and "Absalom, Absalom" (sorry, Bill, you ended up in the wrong book marketplace), my co-worker/resident-curmudgeon Chester and I got into a conversation over the phrase "biff" (as in "you biffed it", or "to biff", etc). Chester was telling me and a couple of other people at the store about some strange dreams he was having,...
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I'm going to have to respond to this in parts because my drinking is getting in the way of proper thought, but let me start with this: The Battle for Algiers is incredible. I need to see it again, but my first time seeing it (maybe five years ago) was one of the most powerful, resonating movie experiences of my life. That'd be a good top five list. Maybe I'll do that.

Punishment Park is now officially on my list.

What's your favorite Italian film? Parli Italiano? Other languages?
Huzzah! Well stated, as usual. You're right about the great grand kids. I'm just assuming they're old enough now. (wasn't the man in his '90s?) but there should be a point where you can't punish the kids. I guess I'm just a vindictive son a bitch, and I get a tiny amount of satisfaction imagining his family suffering together. Maybe even the kids. Aaargh, that's not right. But it feels so good.

The hilarious things about today: Thatcher at least lived up to her billing, and announced that she was saddened by Augusto's death. The US State Dept, meanwhile, put out some release about the victims of his regime.

It must be nice to rule a country with no sense of history, eh?

Goddamn it, I never do justice by you comments. I'lll have a sober session on here soon, and we must discuss things more inj depth. My fcking keyboard issticking. Aaaarght@!
It's been a while since I've last posted an entry, so this will be a loooooong one. Just for shits + giggles, I'm writing it in a Q&A format (because that is how I choose to roll this evening).


For starters, I have a giant hole in the ceiling of my bathroom. About a week ago, I started getting a couple...
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1.) I had the same problem in my last apartment's bathroom. If they haven't already done so, ask them to build a trap door into the ceiling before they drywall the whole thing. It's common practice if they're interested in keeping the place up for the long haul.

2.) Injection in the toe is the most painful experience I've ever had. I feel for you.

3.) There's a topic somewhere out there giving great love to jewish, roman, greek, etc noses. I tried to find it, but failed. Just thought you should know.

4.) Ever consider moving someplace where you don't need a car to get around? I ask because for the past six months I've been living outside a big city for the first time since high school, and it's making me crazy. The anxiety of owning a car when you really can't afford it is a psychic tax on the suburban soul. Move to NY or Chicago, take a train to work... or to school.

5.) On that subject: good luck getting back into it! What did/do you intend to study? I miss college.
And I completely forgot to ask: what's your book like? (I 100% understand if you're someone who doesn't like to talk about uncompleted things) But if you aren't, what's the deal?
Long Post Alert! Save Yourselves! Batten Down The Hatches! (etc etc)

On work: ... awkward. We've become flooded with remaindered books to put out, just in time for the holidays, and we don't have enough time to put the suckers out. Plus: the holidays coming up so quickly means that we have to start putting holiday music into regular rotation (arrgh!! Not the Christmas Chipmunks...
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thats the same reason i thought it was funny at first, i was totally set up for expecting an anti drug commercial, then they made it REALLY blue and talked about women getting beat up. so fucking odd.
If my socks came full of cash I'd wear knee-highs. Not that I don't already.
"He never cried, not even in his dreams, for hard-heartedness was a point of pride. A large iron anchor withstanding the corrosion of the sea and scornful of the barnacles and oysters that harass the hulls of ships, sinking polished and indifferent through heaps of broken glass, toothless combs, bottle caps, and prophylactics into the mud at harbor bottom- that was how he liked to...
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I've not read anything by Mishima. I don't know too much about him, but I could have sworn someone once told me that he was a bit of a neo-fascist.

Sorry to hear about Ye Olde Bank Account. See you again when you get paid!! smile
well my nipples aren't very sensitive really, so i'm pretty interested in getting them pieced cause i've heard it hightens sensitivity. not to mention makes boobs (female and male) look great...

i think i would have fallen in love w/ that duckie impersonator.... and anthony michael hall was really funny in weird science, so i 'll give him credit for that... probably the most underrated john hughes movie.
Try A Little Tenderness is the best scene in Pretty In Pink by the way....
"he must practice on melons or something"
On Saturday, I ended up taking a double dose of cinema. I spent part of the day with my dad and my little brother (who is currently convinced that he has OCD, and tells damn near everyone we encounter that he has OCD). We hit the Scottsdale 101 to see a movie, and since it was an appropriate rating for the kid and it was...
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I know the apathy well. Whatever you decide to do, you have a believer in me.

I never really cared for Kaufman. All of his movies that I've seen seemed gimmicky - one-trick ponies if you will. Admittedly, I've only seen Eternal Sunshine and Being John Malkovich, so there is definitely room for error in my appraisal. However, to use Malkovich as an example, he takes a great question "What would it be like to live in someone else's shoes for a day?" and goes about trying to put together an answer... but then it's almost like he finds it too much of a challenge, makes up some ridiculous backstory that imposes nonsensical rules upon the situation and then ends with an almost moralistic note. It was like taking Neon Genesis and replacing the ending with the series finale of St. Elsewhere.
Haven't posted in a couple of days, mostly due to:

A) my room-mate has been on a Warcraft-binge lately, and I have been hogging quite a bit of the computer time in the past, so I'm letting him have "the night shift" computer-wise (even though it is MY computer, one must be egalitarian about these sorts of things).


B) As uneventful weeks go, this...
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"dragon shit!"
"We are the goon squad and we're coming to town...."

So, when we saw Bowie - "Fashion" was one of the best songs he did (which isnt saying the rest of the show didn't rock my socks - 'cause it did). But he was clearly having a blast with that tune. Which is a long way of saying: "Fashion" in GH would be bad ass.

After a day spent strolling around the city while catching up on my podcasts (mostly episodes of the Viking Youth Power Hour), I met up with my chums Chez Norton's with the intent of seeing Borat. Twas not to be, alas, for the show was Soooooold out. Whoever is running Harkins Theaters right now is really dropping the ball on the Borat release: we...
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Did you go to school? If so, what'd you study?
the vers. of bop gun with ice cube rapping is pretty sweet but you can't go wrong with p-funk
i've read the tao te chen all i remember was it was pithy though
yeah and morphine i havnt listened to in a long time but i liked em way back when

im going to try to gather up my unappreciated media this week you working sat. or sun?
"Why am I still here?"

It's the question that all Phoenicians ask themselves at some point. To the outside world and to its residents alike, Phoenix has the reputation of being a training-wheels city. Nobody wants to stay here; you grow up, go to school, and the minute an exit strategy starts coming together in your head, you get out. The people who actually move...
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I thorooughly enjoyed this entry. Being from Greenville SC, another of the "springboard" type towns, I've had to think in terms of justifying my continued existence here. It's a 150 year old town, yes, whose main history consists of post-bellum textile industry, the exploitation and pacification of southern labor, Shoeless Joe Jackson, and Bob Jones University. But for many, including people who have been out friends, and others (e.g. the amazing Nixon Suicide) to whom it is a place to receive a primary education and then from whence to escape. I keep telling people: "How is Greenville ever going tobecome cool if all the cool people leave, while not so secretly wondering if that opportunity will ever come for me.

I like to think of a place like Pheonix, though, as having an incipient culture and the people who are willing to hang in there and make it happen. Kudos!
Phoenician is a fun word, ain't it?

First of all, fucking publish already. I'm sure you could sell this entry to someone. I don't know how much that might make you, but it doesn't take more than 500-1000$ to get a car that will get you from one place to another... though I've never been in Phoenix in the winter, I suppose you'd still want one with a working air conditioner. Or god bless you finance one. You love your city? Start playing a role in its formation. wink