So glad it is Friday. The sky this morning was breath taking. Wish I had my camera with me. The day was pretty good for a Fridays but I am so looking forward to the weekend. I finally get to go visit a good friend who had a baby a couple months ago. Can't wait. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
hope your weekend is/was grand smile
So, I try to stay away from posting negative blogs but I am so completely pissed that I have to blog this. My wonderful husband has very little family. Basically an aunt and a few cousins. He was somewhat close to his Aunt since his mother passed away. You know holidays and such. Well the last couple years we didn't keep in contact much but...
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eeek I hope there is a less nefarious/tragic explanation and that the aunt is, in fact, okay. My best to yall.

Oh, & the kittens have been christened Wraith & Raven smile miao!!
Thanks, he is slowly coming through it. Not nearly as far as he thought he would.
Okay, P90X ROCKS!! Last night was my first workout and it totally kicked my ass!biggrin I am a little stiff today and the whole high protein diet plan isn't as easy as I thought but I am sticking with it. I have good feeling about this!! love Off I go to workout # two.
I keep hearing the program is amazing, congrats on the good start.

As to music: you either have very good radio there; or a very forgiving [and/or lax] musician-husband wink
Well I didn't really meet any of my new years resolutions for 2010 for various reasons but I don't want to focus on that negative shit too much. One good thing I can say about 2010 is that I am finally in the 21st century now that I have a cell phone and GPS. Yes, don't laugh, I did say cell phone. LOL. blush

I am...
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I have found SG to be an amazing place in the 5 years I have been on here. By opening yourself up to these awesome people you open yourself up to so many experiences! I have made some awesome friends on this place and one is one of my very dearest friends who i don't hang out with enough! I have been on some of the best nights out with people from here and have created so many memories smile

Good luck with training! I hope you do brave P90X its amazing!
smile It's good to hear the back is all better & best of luck maintaining your motivation. It can be a bitch, but (for me at least) I think having a routine really helps.

I'm also glad to hear your other resolution of being more "active" here - I'm always happy to "see" you - - whether or not you post pictures.

Happy new year!
So, 1/15/11 at 1:30pm this woman is getting another tattoo. biggrinbiggrinbiggrinsmilebiggrinbiggrinbiggrinsmile
smile - don't forget the photos wink I'm dying to know what it'll be.

All I want for Christmas is a Barrett .50 cal auto rifle, the best model they make, with a state of the art sighting system, 1000 rounds of each type of ammo they make and of course I will need some really good ear plugs. Thank you much.

Love always,
And here I'd just told Santa that you were after an AMG . . .
*sigh* retraction letter, here I come.
I would actually love to use one just once but firearms like that are pretty restricted in New Zealand.
Well. I know I haven't said much in a while and that is because things are a bit crazy here. Just trying to deal with work and financial bull shit but all things are working out good. Though I am not sure how soon I will be able to get that new tattoo that I was hoping to to have already. Maybe in January. Now...
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& happy holidays to you & yours, enjoy - - & get the tattoo, I know how much thought you put into 'em (but I've got to insist on a picture - I'll even forgo the RS5 . . . for now wink
Time for a little online christmas shopping. biggrin
*offers hand (without spitting in palm - ugh -)* deal! [except I'd either have to sell it right away or add the same condition re. a remarkable change in finances this coming year].
Thanks for the good thoughts. Hope you have an awesome Christmas & New Year.
Aaaahsurreal So I just requested a loan from my 401K. Talk about nerve racking. It was the right decision but I have never borrowed that much money before. Well I guess my car cost more than that, and that is a loan, but still this is new to me. At least I am borrowing from myself and I can pay off all my debt. smile At...
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Thank you! I do agree!
Sometimes you just need to get it all out! Thats great you are going to start training again in the new year! It's all about slowly easing yourself back in and picking up the pace a little each time until you are back up to full strength! You seem determined so I imagine you can do it no problem!
So here is an update. I had great Thanksgiving with family and friends. Had an even better Birthday. My husband spoiled me all day and my step son baught me a bad ass GPS for my car. And lets not forget the drinking.smile I actually puked, yes puked hard core. puke Only the second time I have ever puked from drinking, and hopefully the last. But...
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Im a horrendous procrastinator (at least in my personal life, Im obsessive about getting things finished a week or two early professionally), but Im trying to do better with shopping this year. The internet is certainly making my life way easier in that regard.

Glad to hear you enjoyed your birthday & Thanksgiving - if a wee bit too much & I hope you continue throughout the holiday season. kiss

Glad to hear you had a fun B-day, the pukeing isn't much fun, but sometime worth it. Good to hear an update from you.