Yes, I know. I have been neglecting my online world. It is just that I have been so busy with training. Loving Roller Derby
Working hard at getting back into shape, learning how to skate well and learning the sport is a lot to do all at once. But nothing beats going head first into something new.
I do love a good challenge and I...
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Well I am four practices into Derby and loving it. Absolutely sore all over but that was to be expected. LOL, after Sunday's conditioning class I could barely walk for two days.
And getting up and down was a bitch!
I was a bit nervous about putting on my skates for Tuesdays practice, though I did fine, my legs did not give out as I...
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I'm sure you looked sexy in the outfit too! Did you gt some pics? 

Hells yes & congratulations,
you're gonna be a bad-ass
you're gonna be a bad-ass
You know there are a lot of Derby women and affiliates here right? Let me know if you'd like a referral. I'm sure any of them would be happy to lend you some advice or even just encouragement.
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!! I absolutely love this day. Kicking back in my St' Patty's day socks, drinking Guinness and watching movies. Including Boon Dock Saints off course, it's just not St. Pats without that one.
And of course the Corned Beef, Cabbage and Black eyed peas.
On to other news, sorry for not blogging in so long. I have been bit busy in...
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On to other news, sorry for not blogging in so long. I have been bit busy in...
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Its awesome that you are doing roller derby. I would love to do it but there aren't any roller derby teams in Durban
Hope St Paddy's was awesome

that sounds soooo good.
Well, I was preparing a proposal for a new job position to be created at work. Of course me being the perfect fit for the job. However after showing my completed proposal to a friend of mine she pointed out a major mistake. Advice, when writing a proposal don't write it from your perspective, write from upper managements perspective. So, needless to say, back to...
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Well hopefully it won't take you long to complete it. 

Right back, hun

I am very sad today. I had put my kitty down on Monday. Her Kidney's failed and she was in so much pain. I miss her. She was the best cat in world.
Rest in peace Shiva.


I'm so very sorry.
Loosing a loved one (and of course, pets count) is always one of the hardest things on this earth to endure.
My very best to you.
My poor kitty is sick. Not sure what is wrong with her. She either got a really bad case of the flu from my man who was sick last week or maybe a hairball. Have to go to the Pet store today to see if we should buy something over the counter for hairballs or if we need to take her to the vet, which...
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poor kitten.
I hope she bounces right back.

I hope she bounces right back.
Hopefully she'll be okay and comes out of whatever she has.
Thinking of everyone effected by the Tornadoes.
Hoping everyone is with family and gets through it safe and sound.

It spared us in Louisville,
the smaller communities due north however . . .

It spared us in Louisville,
the smaller communities due north however . . .

psst . . .
[Although, at the moment, I'd prefer it to be Saturday].
[Although, at the moment, I'd prefer it to be Saturday].
I hate to say this but......... I'm off every day.
Enjoy your time off.

Enjoy your time off.

I love Sundays so much! Just thought I'd share that.
Got my hair cut yesterday and it came out perfect!! Couldn't be happier. I am considering dying it black next time around. I have never dyed my hair before and have always wondered what it would be like to have black hair. I like the way it looks on other women.
I've also wondered what...
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Got my hair cut yesterday and it came out perfect!! Couldn't be happier. I am considering dying it black next time around. I have never dyed my hair before and have always wondered what it would be like to have black hair. I like the way it looks on other women.

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dying my hair black in college was the end of my long hair.
I thought the idea was great, I also liked the way it looked on others,
but the change was too severe
I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror.
But that's me.
I'm a weirdo.
I thought the idea was great, I also liked the way it looked on others,
but the change was too severe
I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror.
But that's me.
I'm a weirdo.
I do like black hair though! 

I think as parents, we sometimes NEED to shake some sense into our children, but I think we should do it privately and not on something the world can see our actions! But it's a great video!!!
Is that about 3 pounds of bacon???
I'll take the Wild Turkey any day! 
Is that about 3 pounds of bacon???

WOW! What an amazing weekend. Where to start. Well Friday night I went to an old friend's (and fellow black belt) 30th birthday party. It was so good to see her and to remember so many good memories. And of course every time I hang out with a fellow black belt it gives me a reality check and I get an extreme urge to work...
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Sounds like a fantastic weekend, especially the sleeping in and napping 

Thanks a lot
Added a new word to my vocabulary:
palindrome (pln-drm)
1. A word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. For example: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!
Each date this week is a palindrome.
Don't ask me why but I absolutely love this word. I mean really how often do you find something that fits this definition?
palindrome (pln-drm)
1. A word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. For example: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!
Each date this week is a palindrome.

Don't ask me why but I absolutely love this word. I mean really how often do you find something that fits this definition?
Thanks for sharing the website. I possibly understand. I'll PM you. 

thank you, I was floored by that image too; it's actually adhesive tape,
there were more pictures . . .

I absolutely adore it!
there were more pictures . . .

I absolutely adore it!
It's great that you're rocking out & having fun.
~ Enjoy!
Glad you're enjoying yourself! Wear padding everywhere!!!
Good to hear from you.