I love the costume makeup



I read a quote today while I was doing some reading. "Work until your idols become your rivals". I read that and it started me thinking about how true it actually is. If you want something or to achieve a level of greatness work at it until you achieve that goal.

So why don't you all post some of your favorite quotes


Does any one else have issues with being socailly awkard? Suck as answering questions and the answer in your head makes sense but it is portrayed by others as incorrect? I feel like that happens to me quite too often and I'm not quite sure how to fix it

I've always been shy have the same problem 
Yeah, I tend to ramble and say weird stuff.  I try to remind myself that no one gives a shit.  If I say something weird or just kind of freeze up, in an hour they aren't going to remember me.  They are going to be thinking about their own stuff, not the girl who couldn't look them in the eye.  Yeah, they don't give a shit is my motto.  Looks bad on a motivational poster though.

Has anyone else been having the internal debate on situations that you know what should be done, compared to what you want to do, and what you know is the right thing to do? Just the thought for the day