Well I'm back in town now, Wisconsin was fun good beer good friends. Going to let the inner nerd out to play here a little bit and recommend that anyone who enjoys such things to pick up a copy of Bioshock and play through it. One of the best games I've played in recent years.
Maybe I'm crazy

Alright so I am crazy but this doesn't have to much to do with that. Anyways it's now official in the little social circles I seem to be a part of I'm now the only single guy. And now all that everyone wants to do is "couples things" what ever thats supposed to mean lol. Just a sad day when I can't...
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Feel like shit...

I think my job is making me physically ill, Don't know how much longer I can work there. Don't get me wrong I love working in a record store, even if I spend all day selling electronics to tourists. I just can't get over all the petty bickering and infighting that goes on there, plus it's on Mouse property so I have...
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No, Target...Target is the best. Also, we were going to buy it for a guy to wear.