some more old stuff I wanted to share

People fuck up a lot and sometimes people end up getting hurt because of it... life is full with it's ups and downs, it's up to you to figure out which you want to live by, if everything was taken to the ass then there's just be a bunch of angry people in the world, if something...
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one more old thing I wrote...

it's so easy to fall in love the first time, because you have you're whole heart to give, but when it's broken it's harder to love someone again, you are left with broken shards and you have to give them a piece at a time to love again, at some point when your heart is broken enough times, you...
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some stuff I wrote a while ago...

isn't it funny...

when things are finally starting to turn around...

when things are finally starting to look up...

when everything seems like it's going be alright...

when you think the past is finally letting go...

one incident... one comment... one word...

and it can pull you back in...

and drown you in the... deep... shoallow... void...

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Guess this'll be my first blog
I'll keep it short
just wanted to say that...
I'm open to meeting new people
and hopefully they'll be interesting

and yeah those are my drawings,
I have better but I have no scanner
I'll try to get some more up though

and I'll get some better pics
in a couple of weeks, 2 or 3

I'll put up...
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