Well what can I say i finally got internet at my house so fuck having to go to friends houses or rent computers at local internet/coffee shops which in the long run will be a lot of money saved. Now if i could only find a fucking job. Luck hasn't really come my way and im very tired of not working so ive decided to go to a trade school if i dont get a job by the end of next week at least to occupy my time in something useful. I started playing basketball again on a daily basis which is a good thing and each day my relationship with my girl gets worse yet each day i seem to care less an less so that should be over and done with soon. Other then that I dont have much to say, my friends are coming over to drink and watch a couple of movies so im just waiting on that at the moment.

y pues de hecho casi siempre vamos al chez jeje, si un dia iremos por cheve eh.