I'm working on getting over my general disconnect from people. Sometimes it feels like life is just happening to me, and that I'm not doing enough to take control of it. I am going to have to figure out what it is that centers my focus. I don't want to just go through a series of accomplishments until I die. At my core I know...
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Riiiightright. Must be painful.
That way we will never be surprised when it misses us and wants us back, and comes beating on your door at 4 in the morning as if it were some jilted lover. We would then remember what made us hurt before, that we could more readily appreciate what makes us feel good now and forever.

This is why I keep record of my hurts, and recall them .. well, "not infrequently." Here, and in general. As I've mentioned, I don't do it to complain or get as many "OMG NOOOOOOO ARE YOU OTAAAAAAYYYYYYY" responses as I can, and I don't always necessarily do it when I'm laying heavy on my floor and pulling the center of my body as low to the earth as I can get it in order to be grounded [yes, when I need grounding, I really do literally need "grounding"] -- I do this to keep it close, and in the forefront. I keep it balled up in the side of my cheek like an old piece of gum that has a hint of taste left. You don't have to chew it all the time, but know that it's there and that if you bit down, you'd get a rush of that old flavor. Contrast is important; fuckin' critical. It's the whole groundwork for perspective, for just about anything, so why is everyone so quick to wholly forget? There's a line between obsessing and erasing. It's not that thin. There's room to walk around in it, probably. Room to get comfortable.

And then when these things do creep up -- they're familiar and they become muses instead of triggers and nightmares and tools for your undoing.

I was -kind- of thinking of something similar last night. But it's not something I want to write for the public yet. Because it's kind of a novel idea to me, and those are too exciting to just throw out. But .. yep. I don't even know if this is what you're talking about, but.

Anyway. You're not awkward. Lulz.
Collateralized Debt Obligations are a type of security that aggregated multiple assets into one, and its value is derived from the sum of many, many underlying debt contracts. Primarily, home mortgages. The idea behind this diversified portfolio approach is to balance out the assumed risk by strapping together mortgages that ranged from very low risk for default (with naturally low rate of return) all the...
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When you said my hood looked like yours.

I thought.

My hood.

Of my sweatshirt.

I was like. Dude, that's such a girlie hoodie I'm wearing. Not to mention, you can't really see the hood very well, but if your sweatshirt looks anything like mine, well. Enough said, BECAUSE.

I soo get it now. n___n;
Little nostalgia trips = awesome. I could perfectly imagine yours. The wrapping and curling of little fingers beneath a closed door -- I laughed out loud at this. Little things, like feeling the rough splintering edge because that's the one part of the door that's not finished. I had the very same thing with my dad! One of my only memories of him, actually, because he left before I was three. Vague memory and knowledge that I was upside down over him, suspended by one foot. He was tickling my exposed stomach with his free hand and I was weightless and helpless, then down. I used to think my mom looked exactly like Cinderella -- she wore her hair the same, and it was the same color. She had the same face, and not just "she looks like a grown-up lady" but .. specifically looked like Cinderella, and not Snow White. I told her she was perfect once when I was very small, around the Cinderella time, and she cried. Felt awkward.

Regarding English, believe me. I am floored by this. Nevermind the people who seem to violently oppose doing it correctly, but the ones who try and just can't seem to get the basics? It blows my mind. We've been speaking this language [and in most cases, only this language] 20-something years now. We've been hearing it everywhere. How can you not pick up on the intricacies and be able to incorporate them? Nevermind creative writing [which is just manipulating it anyway, and you should be able to do] -- how are we still caught up on grammar? AHH. Seriously. I actually find the language and rules to be terribly interesting. But not the basics. I like reading about the tricks and tunnels and bumps in the road -- and realizing that my brain recognizes these things and throws red flags in the appropriate places 98% of the time from just having lived.
Tonight I was going to bed. But before that I got distracted. I was outside having some alone time. Penance. Just standing outside looking at the stars and appreciating how inviting they seem. I got to thinking, as I am wont to. I wondered. Is it so unbelievable that someone else was doing the same thing that I was, on any one of those distant,...
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This was brought to my attention by a friend. And got some lulz.

That the reference you mean?
By the way. I did realize a second later I was sending you to a topless picture of .. myself. Feel like that's an odd thing to do, but.

When in Rome. -____-;
Last week I noticed that I was beginning to get what you might refer to as, "a little bit of beer gut." I'm not going to lie here. That's why I blog here after all. So I can tell the whole truth. I became hyper-self-conscious about it. What did I proceed to do? I started doing every abdominal exercise I could think of for 15...
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You are such a creeper.
Orly. S'pose that's an investment I can get behind. Considering I drink that three times over in coffee before 11 each morning. Gimme a seat at the cool kids table plz.

Dude. Google says yes to "gimme."
I like the Flobots. That song Stand Up is a fine song. It's playing right now.

I am considering moving to Ireland when I finish my bachelor's degree. It is a city that is experiencing rapid growth in the international community, which would present a phenomenal opportunity for a young graduate. Well, I guess I'm not that young. But I look it, if I shave...
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Maybe lol look it uppp
I -want- to respond to your comment, but if you can imagine .. the part of my brain that wants to fire off is actually .. bleeding at the moment, from the last eight hours? Soooo. Will you accept a raincheck?

And, remind me: snakes eating kittens. ;/
I need to get out. Go outside. Go for a run. Something. Everything seems so constrained and ritualistic. Work. School. Homework. Reading. Eating. Sleeping. Hygiene. Repetition. I think I'm losing focus here.

The knowledge I am gaining is comforting, yes. But I feel like I'm doing everything with my eyes out of focus. I can see general shapes and I can recognize what they are...
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Maybe I could use a stopwatch and keep a journal of how much time I spend doing certain things each day. Even in the event that you -didn't- alter your natural behavior in these neurotic little time trials, .. being that you're not blind to them as they're happening [which you would] -- just the notion that you were, or that you had, at the end of it [and possibly even the results, still, after] .. you're right, would make you batty. Not even the most calculated person spends his time totally wisely, and if he does, he's even more of a nut case and arguably worse off for budgeting his time so tightly and being too rigid.

Stop worrying.

Concern yourself with averages. Over a month -- do you wind up at the end where you wanted to have found yourself. Are you stagnant in ways that are inexcusable, etc. Then maybe you should reevaluate what owned you in that month. But not in a day -- dear Lord. Time is the ultimate mindfucker, and it does not screw gently.

My hands and feet and face fall asleep as a side effect of my medication. Sometimes other various [but always symmetrical] extremities, like elbows or just pinkies or backs of knees or calves. But the coldness [and thus restriction of movement] is fuckin' awkward. The slow typing. Lol. I get it with texting -- dumbfingers.

How about when you're outside and your face freezes and you can't make words. That's .. the worst. :/ I change what I want to say; condense it into less words, just to get there faster because I feel so stupid.
Henry Rollins

The following is a transcript of the speech given at the Sonoma State University commencement, May 23, 2009.

"It is an honor to be in front of you today as we congratulate all of our graduates and welcome their families and friends. My name is Henry Rollins and the fact that I was asked to speak briefly to you all today...
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Henry Rollinssss. <3
To be alone.

Hm. I'm not entirely sure that I really am. On the surface, I have (finally) come to terms with that realization. It's not easy to succumb to "being the only person that cares about you." But fuck, I've always suspected that my optimism was unfounded. That my optimism was wrong in telling me that these friends care about me.

There's no definite...
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This is what my puzzle box tattoo is all about. I have this thing where I hand [nothing or] everything to a person, and if the payoff isn't in kind or at least consistent with my efforts, I leave barely in tact. Reassemble myself feeling cheated, stolen from. And the jaded period is longer each time. I never used to have one, in fact, but recently I get it with friends and relationships nearly alike -- feel exhausted and as though I am looking at my guts on the table, which is totally my fault because I put them there, and why. I have to leave them. I walk away from another handful of my own guts on another table. I know there will come a point where I don't have it in me to reach in and pull anything else out -- not one more time, not for one more person. Not someone who could be my best friend or otherwise. I'm already getting to this point where it's exhausting, y'know? I'm already claiming "recovery time" from even just a week of conversation from certain people who are too much on my brain and too leechy. Is this it? So the puzzlebox was my space. To keep it in. Telling me to shut up, and leave some in. Not to touch some pieces -- not to feel tempted to take all of my pieces -out- and show them every single time to every person, and flip them over and show them the backs. And bend them and show them how they crease, etc. Because they won't be around later when I'm upset because the creases won't go away, etc.


Anyway, yeah, it's probably like seven.

But then again. Life is long. You grow. You will waste your first .. way too many people being compulsive. Well, you say optimistic. I say compulsive.

So maybe it starts over with perception.
Sorry for the paragraph issues. I woke up like a half hour ago. And haven't had coffee since yesterday morning. I don't understand how I'm sitting.
So this is how it's going to go down: It's going to happen real fast, it's going to hurt, and you're going to thank me for it.

If something bad happens to you I don't want to be looking you in the eyes while you're telling me about it and see that you're looking for sympathy. You may deserve some but the fact that you're...
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Right now I'm doing some reading on the differences between the modern schools of economic thought. I want to get the nuts and bolts straight. I need to match my inuition about the way things "just work" with the ideas of others who think accordingly. This all started because I was deciding on an economic focus for my master's education. Originally I was drawn to...
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So I've thought about this a little. Mostly when I just had my head upside down in the sink -- can't choose these times. ;/ And, okay. This might rub you the wrong way, because it's just one of those things, but fuck.

Well, first I just wanted to say that while it's obvious you were frustrated that people were trying to paint you into a swatch on the political spectrum, the fact is that what you are talking about and just the sheer color of your convictions is a liberal [brace yourself] agenda [don't swing]. Now, -obviously- you draw zero motivation from this, so it's not what I'm saying -- but the nature of your fight is political. It is. So I say liberal with a lower-case l. Not capital.

This has been one of my biggest [I don't know the word for this] .. .. .. frustrations lately -- that when people think "politics," they think of the dirt and grime. It's synonymous now -- for manipulation. They think Washington and suits and scandal. But I think of what you are talking about instead, and I think about the struggle and the people who push through. I am a progressive, and so naturally I think of the forward motion. The rest is a side-effect of the illness but it is possible to keep your people and your conviction at your sides, and you just muscle through it, because all of the noise will always be there. Conservative thought will always be there. Clinging to broken pieces and smiling wide. These people can seldom even be reasoned with.

I find it somewhat odd that you are so driven in this and so ambivalent regarding politics, and that's because I don't know you well at all and it could be for any reason -- it's not mine to judge. So you may choose to circumvent that entire "scene" intentionally, go through other routes .. but really, it would be a huge vehicle for you, since part of its base is built around social programs and how to improve these conditions. Not on a large scale, since that's where things get sketchy and money gets lost. But where you can really get dig in .. Things are so broken, and so desperate -- and its where you could find these like-minded, forward thinking people. Who would tear things up with you.
Okay. That one .. I meant to be a message. But the damage is done. x_x;