An update is in order.

I am a procrastinator, however... so I'll get to it later. ARRR!!!
What are you playing right now?
Hooo, I'm a bit late with a reply, aren't I?

I just got done with God of War 2, and am whittling away at Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

I'm all moved in with the guys, and we've been having bouts of laziness and not getting any work done. Hooray!

We may have an opportunity lined up with collegehumor in creating original content, but we'll see how things go.

Looks like i'm gonna be single for yet another Valentines Day. YARRRR.
Another random bizarre rant.

Wouldn't it be pleasant if there was a universal language that everyone could understand? The language barriers between countries and cultures are an unpleasant obstacle to tackle, in that you have to actually be taught how to comprehend them.

In my case, if someone came up to me and started speaking Japanese, I would have no fucking idea what the hell...
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I'm weird, and thus ponder abstract and often meaningless impossible existances that boggle my mind. Todays thought came from the saying "as far as the eye can see". I thought about the limit of ones vision, and how though we see the daytime sky as being blue, there is so much more behind it that our eyes cant actually conceive. At nighttime, we can see...
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San Diego Comic Con was awesome. We ended up getting looked at by MTV and a few other big companies, and i'll have to go back to cali in a week or two with my friends for a few interviews.

Sharing a booth with the infamous "Maddox" was awesome as well. Pictures here:

hello there! sounds like youre having a pretty good time. good luck to ya <3
you're new pics look like a completely different person then the old ones....

Alright, so it's been awhile since I updated again. What can I say, I'm lazy.

Alright, so let's see, what's new? The website me and my friends run has been down for about 3 weeks because AOL is full of assholes. AOL said that somehow spam mail was being sent to them through our site, and they happened to be buddies with our hosting...
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AOL is just effin gay dude.
SDCC: Awesome.
Woooo, so i've been pretty busy lately, but I'm leaving today for E3!

so. jealous.
Oh. Yeah. Update.

Hrm, so what's happened since the last post? I turned 24 and got shitfaced and slept in my car, I finally switched work schedules, meaning I work normal people hours so I can go out at night, (7am-4pm instead of 4am-1am) aaaand... well I guess that's pretty much it for now.

My parents are out of town from today until sunday which...
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happy late birthday!
SGAZ is hosting another open event this Saturday May 6th. We are having a Roller Skating Night. If you'd really like to be a part of SGAZ now is the time to come out and meet us. If you are not big on roller skating or you happen to be shy on cash, still come out it doesn't cost anything to come watch and laugh at your new SGAZ friends as they crash all over each other.

Most people will be headed out there between 7:30 & 8:00 PM.

Afterwards we will be headed to Ky's place for drinks. It's located on the NW corner of 32nd St. & Indian School.