Ask anyone that knows me and they would all say "Oh yeah he's a pretty relaxed guy, few things get him worked up." but those same people know the few things that do, drive me batshit insane.

Normally this is what I'd call "profile suicide" but I figure "why not?" if I can't vent here, where could I? So here goes... my first and hopefully...
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So today was a pretty amazing day for us here in Kandahar but my day was better than any have been in recent memory.

Started off pretty normal, dragged myself out of bed for breakfast but was thrilled at the day off. After breakfast took care of some financial business then headed to the gym for a good strength training work-out. I can't move my...
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Thanks. He said if needed , we'll discuss more time when this week is over but I really can't afford to take more time off. If necessary, I'll have my assistant come in and answer phones or I'll do 1/2 days. I just get sooo exhausted sooo easily. I went to the docs, waffle house, rite aid (twice) and that alone was more then I could handle. I was literally dead on my feet. And yea, I never thought about the tonsils guarding against germs... I'll have to watch out for that. I need to be more health-conscious overall.
Did a sendoff for the 556 today as they finished handing the TMC over to us. Never got to work with any of them (I somehow got skipped in shadowing and just got my own room from day one. Maybe confidence? Hopefully not just negligence..

Last night had a fun rocket attack, actually got to hear our retaliation and again today firing off big ass...
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I'm not much for blogging but honestly there's not much else to do here in the desert.

Currently I'm sitting out in Kandahar Afghanistan on deployment for the Army as a Medic. I work in a Troop Medical Clinic(TMC) and deal with anything from blood and guts to stuffy noses.

I love my job and I enjoy it here, just terribly bored in the off...
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Currently I'm sitting out in Kandahar Afghanistan on deployment for the Army as a Medic.

Yeah, KAF always has and always be a shithole! Do they still have the Roller Hockey rink and Tim Hortons?

They do have the rink, but no Tim Hortons, the Canadians left a while back. I admit the boardwalk is pretty extravagant. I'm just happy to be over here doing something after having our deployment cancelled 3x prior.