...just had a thought...I think I might like to be Totoro or Cat-Bus when I grow up...I'm almost 50 so not sure when that will be...maybe in a couple more years.

Just want to say, if I sent a follow request to anyone and they aren't cool with being followed, then no worries. Totally understand. I'm new to the whole follow being followed thing.

I'd also like to send my love out to all the SG's and Hopefuls! I truly enjoy seeing women of every shape, size and origin clothed or not and your creativity is wonderful! 😸😁😍πŸ₯°


I'm starting to come out of my shell a bit and this site is helping me. I love the vibe on SG! Sorry if I didn't respond to people in the past. That was just the state of my head at the time. I'll try and do better in the future. Still an introvert and a bit anti-social...familiar theme here...that's why I like it. My...
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I feel this. I love this community because of that!
You are always welcome in this community, at whatever capacity you feel comfortable with.Β  Welcome aboard!