Life is good. It has been hard to stop and enjoy the little things with all that is going on but it is great to look back on this all and see where I have come from this time last year. No pending legal drama, no bill collectors hounding me for money, now worrying where I am going to sleep or where my next paycheck...
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It is my birthday. I have not felt this alone and depressed in months.
Happy Birthday
Thanks friends.
Life has been a bit weird the past week. A series of large ups and downs but have been moving forward something better. It is interesting that after I have laid out all of my past wreckage, resentments and fears for a person to look at the prospective that I get. I am truly a terrible person. All the problems in my life are of...
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Got woken up today by my father asking me t help him clean himself up after he had an accident. Nothing to shatter self pity and give you a sense of gratitude like wiping your father's ass.
Being single sucks. Being stuck in a shitty small town sucks. Having a shitty job sucks. I am getting tired of all this and it never seems like it will end. All the work I put in just gets me more and more depressed. I never thought life would be this terrible when I was young. Is it really worth it?
Yes it's worth it. "Shit could always be worse" my daily motto. Chin up buttercup, things will turn around.
'Perspective is my problem. "got to's" need to become "get to's". Got to be glad for the small things and the darkness that I have come from.
This my first blog post. I will be posting recipes, culinary advice and random thoughts of the day. As for today I will be heading to Muskegon to my grandfathers ninety-fifth birthday party and they made me make cake, hors dourves and pizza. Should be a good time. Will see you all on chat later.