Or not because my phone was stolen and I have two broken ribs . Oh well though sorry peoples.
Pictures from mechacon smile.
Mechacon was awesome in Louisiana this year will post pics soon
Woo flooding! Ahhhhh that was my house that washed by? In retrospect looked amazing.
Back again after some time. Think i might have some part of my life a little more figured out.
Making a new post. Nothing of importance was posted here, but I am back. Missing one appendix. Woo
Like a star afar I gaze yearning for the light that once had shined on me. poems musics and arts bleed from my lips just for the flicker of the gaze once cast to me. Each sunset I see reminds me of each time I saw your face each more beautiful than the last. In the night sky I see you eyes and how I...
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Darkest Day, Eternal Night
There are those who fear
the dark of night,
and only walk in the light.
to those who fear this dark night,
Scared to turn off the light,
but to those who know the truth of things
this dark night brings sweet dreams.
Once i was like this too. Scared
to dream of what is new,
feared I was of darkness...
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Here it is 3:30 am and I get blocked by a dude. Cool story short I Lol'd Didn't know it was a actual came shame on my for having numbers and liking death metal. =D Sleeping is however a thing I appearently don't do.

Once more the ramblings of a crazy man <3 Ya'll. All two friends I have on here atm...I will get more...
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