Life is what I get for being fucked in the head. tongue EL SUICIDO LOCO
do your ears pop when you get fucked in the head?
Dont worry, I wont make you cry with this comment. I have trained this comment to hug....and to hug only. biggrin
current track: yoko kanno - inner universe
oooh good track, one of my Favs! and thanks for the B-Day greetings smile But how the hell did you escape that black hole? *Scratsces head in confusion*
I'm continually amazed by how good the soundtrack is for the first season of Stand Alone Complex.
Current track: Yann Tiersen - rue des cascades
whut say yuh we go on over'dere ta Kablamastan er whutever an' blayst us up sum TAWLhedz?

yuk yuk.

*spits tar through remaining 3 teeth*
hay hay hay thar mistrr. Duncha go hawgin' thut thar rooster all fer yerself! Hyuk hnorf *snort*

:goes blind from drinking bathtub moonshine:

Moments of neutrality and objectivity make me see the somber, ever-trying flow of life. Realizing there are things that tie me to that flow makes me apprehensive, and ponder the point to injustice. All the while, I feel the undercurrents of emotional irrationality, and little comprehend my powerlessness against myself.
surreal robot
I officially have my own pad now. SWEET! I'm moving in on the 1st, I think... maybe sooner, if I can pull it off...

I gotta think about decorating shit now... I wonder what the room dimensions are...

congrats! kiss
cooooooooool. you are a whore.
Finally saw Napoleon Dynamite. Now, I'm closing the door to my room and learning to dance like a sav'.

The place I've had my eye on looks like a sure thing, if I accept. I think it'd be pretty sweet, but I'm sure it will get unbearably lonely without the right amount of company... Most of my closer friends are in the east bay, but...
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Tina, come get some Ham!

that being said, I havent seen ND but my friends keep saying that over and over. Kinda annoying actually. Fingers crossed for you on the place my man, Id offer to come visit when you get it, but theres kind of a whole country inbetween our houses and also, its just weird to hang out with someone you only know from the internet.

to quote eurotrip "Keep your hands off my genitals you German freak!"

Okay, no more comments at 4:19 in the AM as they say.
"I caught you a delicious bass."
Consider the weed smoked.
Regard that shit as toked.

Today promises to be somewhat eventful, and perhaps rather enjoyable...

Have a good one, people. smile

Edit @ 1 AM ----

Nevermind. Not so eventful, not too terribly enjoyable, but not too bad either. Blakes party w/ Scary Gary 'n the gang, precluded partially/concluded by "Super Size Me". Meh, better than sitting on my ass like usual....
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Awwww yeeeaaaahh!!!! smile
That shit better be toked. biggrin
Isn't it nice when shit don't suck? smile

Saw this studio this evening that was downright "dope", as kids nowadays might say. If I play my cards right (namely, get a card... credit card...), I'll be 9 minutes from werk, have a place all to myself (no more annoying, messy roomies), and even be sportin' a backyard. After al this happens (and I'm sure I've jinxed...
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just let her crash and burn - she'll learn - the attention just encourages her. Hmmm borderline psychotic indeed. What a delectable compliment, cheers!!!
gluck with the dream studio
I have seen what is available studio-apt-wize in Berkely for <1000, and have concluded this:

The place I checked out is essentially my current room, with less parking and no internet access. It does have an attached kitchen, somewhere in the size-range of my fingernail, and a delightful smell of old boots.

Hmmm... move from one box to another box for 3 times the cost?...
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I see.....well, sounds like mind over matter to me. biggrin
To me, it seems like things have been looking better for you. you have a better job and you make way more money. But it is hard not to always pick apart your life....this I understand. But you are like the universal champion at that......maybe you should find a different hobby. biggrin

Everything above was stated with the most love and respect possible...which is alot.

[Edited on Jan 07, 2005 2:24PM]
Yeah, I figured it wouldn't last...

Oh well. Back to my usual doldrums.


(read the following out loud)
: : : : : : : : : (!!!)
Why not??? What exactly do you thin ruined it?
Did you always like Unearth? Did that just make it into your list or was it always there with my oblivious ass simply not noticing it? The Oncoming Storm is really good. I should really find my copy.

So, as background to our ongoing discussion--were you planning on moving out of your place anyway? I got the feeling you were unhappy with your current arrangement...but I probably should have asked this question explicitly, and sooner.
Also, I'm unsure of what your work situation is like? Stable? Or perhaps more capricious? What I'm getting at, is that The 'Zam and I have been looking at the Santa Cruz area more than the SF area because it is substantially cheaper to live down this way. Or so it would seem. Perhaps you have access to some manner of arcane secrets which make the Bay Area less costly to you than it is to others? Anyway, this these are more idle, less pressing questions that I pose.
One final thought: be glad that you have real work experience instead of a worthless college degree.

--end comments--
Other than the speeding ticket I recieved on the way back from Fresno, this has been a fairly (if not really) good holiday season. This month, I'll be turning 21, and will no longer need to find external sources for beer... things seem to be somewhat on-the-mend with friends I thought I had lost, and my outlook doesn't seem as grey as usual. We'll see...
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1) That item probably wouldn't be a major problem. The Zam and I are going to be taking classes at.....well we haven't decided yet. If you could suggest an affordable community-ish type school in the area that would make it easier for us to replan for that area. Right now we're thinking a bit farther south, but really, we'd MUCH rather be in the Berkeley/SF area.

2) A very critical item, of course. Oh, interesting trivia about that one-did I mention we're going to be losing our jobs too? Hilarious. So, until we scrabble some work together that we can depend on we're not going to know for sure but we were thinking ~600-800 a month between us?

The preliminary inquiry was really just to see if you were stable in your living arrangements and so forth. We have accepted the reality that we're probably going to have to live with someone (probably a few people?) and we'd prefer to do what we can to select people we like. Such as, well, you.

Keep me posted as to your status, and I shall keep you posted as to mine.
haha... well, thanx for the cheesy comments... very sweet!