I find myself at a crossroads where I am torn between being compelled to start true to my nature and being compelled to safeguard myself from people who only appreciate me when I'm convenient in their lives. I like to think I'm a nice guy. I don't go out of my way to hurt people and when I do by accident I'm extremely remorseful. I...
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I guess they don't know how to talk to you, because they're afraid of hurting you? Most people remain silent, it's how we're raisef by schools and other institutions ... Don't take it personal x maybe you can ask the next time if it's too much what you do? By this you can even show, that you care and are interested in the others thoughts :)
I'm extremely inquisitive and I tend to ask a lot of questions for that very reason. I'm interested in knowing how people think and feel because I don't ever want to be a source of distress or discomfort in their lives. I don't try to take things personally but it's often hard not to when someone literally comes out and tells you that something they have asked you to do was too much for them. For example, saying that talking to me every day is something they want to do because they enjoy doing it and then eventually turning around and telling me that they don't want to feel obligated to talk to me every day if they don't want to. That's totally understandable if I had ever made then feel obligated in the first place. Otherwise they're simply pushing the blame on me for how they are feeling about something. I use that example because it's actually happened recently. I don't hold expectations for people other than being honest with me and being fair. Outside of that, no one owes me anything. I guess that even that is asking too much anymore.

Goddamnit, it's Summer. Why the hell does it gotta rain the weekend I'm planning to go to the beach. That's no fun. Now I have to reschedule. Goddamn you Oregon Coast! You had one job! 😂

Lol poor you

So, I had an old friend pop back up in my life a few weeks ago that I hadn't talked to in 3 years. Our last encounter before recent events was less than desirable as I ended up getting pretty well used to fill a void in her personal life until she found something she really wanted. Wouldn't have been such a big deal had...
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First and foremost, I love lifting weights. I'm sure I've established this in previous blog entries. However, if you go to the gym you should be there to break a sweat. Get in a good workout. You should NOT be there to show off like a douchebag or hit on every dude with large biceps wearing a tank top. Seriously, why TF are you at...
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It's going to be a great weekend. Taking the mother of my children out tomorrow to celebrate Mother's Day since I had to work today. Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be up north in the SEA-TAC area visit friends and family.

@redheadedgoddess You still loving your septum piercing?
I am 😍😍😍. Counting down days til my next thing, thank you. 😘

Nothing quite beats the feeling of a good hard workout. I love the way I feel afterward and I love the way I look all pumped up. It's good for you physically and mentally. The stress relief is killer. Tomorrow is a rest day and then back to the gym. Love it.


Well, I'm new as a member of the site. Been following SG on Instagram and FB for a while and just couldn't help myself. I'm recently single from a 3 year relationship with a woman I had proposed to and intended to marry. Due to a large number of rather tragic circumstances, it ended. Before that I was married for 6 years to a hellish...
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Seems like a good thing to start with some portraits/nudes workshops of practicing photographers: there you can meet fellow trainees and models and get yourself comfortable with the community so they know you and can trust you to an extent
Appreciate the advice I will definitely give that a look.