Damn, it's been awhile since I updated. A great many a things have happened since then. Let's see, where to begin. I got a better job. Well better paying and actual benefits. My motorcycle is back in top running condition. Oh, my love life is still pretty much the same as usual. There have been a few blast from the past in the last month....
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Life suck, as per usual. I seem to work yet I never have any money. Plus to make matters worse, my motorbike has been out of commission for over a month. And blah blah blah. In the good news department, my love life is looking up. More on that as the story develops. Anyhoo it's off to do a few more shots of tokillya and...
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I don't trust Garak, at all. He is shifty.

Tane whatever
So I decided to update. Yet I have really nothing to say. Umm...well, work sucks, as usual.

Oh,I'm going to take a nice long ride tomorrow, only I haven't yet decided were to go. And I'm still trying to decide what to do for the 4th of July weekend. I'm thinking either going down to NC to cruise the Blue Ridge Parkway, which I've heard...
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I don't know.. but I am definitly excited.

Tane whatever
I approve of the new season of StarGate.

Tane whatever
Did you ever have one of those days? One that you knew before you even got out of bed that you should just turn the alarm off and go bck to sleep? Today was one of those days. But at least I have my salvation, my motorcycle. I can hit the road and all my troubles just vanish. Even if it is for but a...
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I don't have a car let alone a motorcycle. What kind do you have?
After today, I don't know how I do survive without a vehicle. It took the taxi 2 hours to pick me up and then the metro broke down...making me 2 hours late to work.

So I finally got a job. Yay me! It's not the best job in the world, but at least it ain't McD's or Wal-Mart.

In other news, I saw the new Star Wars, and I must say I was impressed. Impressed that it did not suck, that is. Georgie-boy should have stopped after the "Special Editions" of the OT. But anywho, I'm going to stop...
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Well, it's been nearly three months since I last updated. You'd think I'd have something to say. Damn is my life boring. Eat, sleep, look for non-exsistant jobs... I read something the other day that said since March '01 only 60,000 or so net jobs had been created and that given "historical norms" 7.5 million should have been created. But really all that matters right...
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Stargate!!!!! Hell yea yo!

so, like, i had a really cool weekend and stuff, but now i'm back in stupid reality. reality bites, man. my fucking truck is broken, i didn't get that job i needed, and my 'rents are on my ass about getting one. man i fucking hate living at home. and there's this whole stupid past thing that may just come back to bite me...
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My job sux! I work from 10pm til 6am at a grocery store dude. The only possitive thing about the time is, no people! People are a major source of irritation for me. The job pays 7.50 per hour

well at least we know who the President is this time, even if i totally disagree. America has spoken, and 59.5 million Americans are wrong, or stupid, or both. and so we get 4 more years of the same old shit. i don't even know why i bother. and to all those who say liberalism is dead in America, i want you to remeber one...
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awwww man.. your elections made me sad frown
But i came here to congratulate your music tatse :d hehe
dammit i hate insomnia. it's 15 'til 3, and i've got shit to do once the sun comes up. why, oh, why can't the world operate on my timetable. fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. ok i feel better now. ranting aside, i'm just biding my time 'til the apocaylpse. should be any day now, my money's on Nov 25. shuld be enough time for...
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Dude what do you honestly think about the new StarGate Atlantis? I have mixed emotions. I can see it becoming a great show, BUT, as of right now... it's not that great.

The new villian, the Wraith, kick total ass and I am sure that a Wraith could kick a Goaulds ass all over space and back, without breaking a sweat.. And there enlies the greatest problem in the show... They have this kick ass new villian and they are NOT showing them!!!!! Instead we are trapped in Atlantis doing daily station functions...

I am watching the show to see the Wraith.. I don't care about the humans.. show me the aliens!!

i should update more, but nothing ever happens in my life. oh well.
Just wondering by your name here if you are in any way Navajo. A skinwalker in that culture bing a witch. Just Curious, know a lot of navajo, and count many as friends.