Check this site out if you are serious about training your body to do things you never thought possible.

Changing the name of Pac Bell park is the greatest thing the Board of Supervisors has thought of in the last five years.

You can't tell me Matt is a sports fan though.
I don't have a lot to report. I spent four nights in a row at Jiu Jitsu and the girlie has started accusing me of not being interested in sex anymore. I've been working sixty hour work weeks and am usually tired most of the time, as of late. I miss booze.

I am, actually, really happy.
I couldn't really make a new thread on the boards but I set a personal best yesterday. I ran five miles in thirty nine minutes. I'm pretty proud of that. Got me thinking about personal bests.

Where have they gone? Nobody but sports stars are sharing the PB's. Feel free to post them here on my page. Be proud of your important or mundane accomplishments....
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You should be in that commercial for some running shoe where that African man runs sooo much faster when he has The Shoe.


How redundant was that post I just made? Oh well. You get the idea. smile

Okay. So I'm easily entertained. So I'm an un-cultured schmuck who wouldn't know a masterpiece if it bit him in the ass.

Look, I liked the Matrix Revolutions. I thought it was cool and I had a blast at the Parkway Theater seeing it. Fucking flay my skin, and burn me with lye but I don't always need art to be entertained.

And for everybody...
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Hey. What books have you read on Taoism? I'm looking at picking up a few books, including the Tao of Jeet Kune Do as well as the writings of Tao Te Ching, but was wondering what else is out there...
My girlfriend took all of my Vicodin that I keep laying around for sports injuries. I fucked my neck up at Jiu Jitsu and now I don't have any relief. I'm really pissed off. Out of the 100+ pills prescribed to me I got two. I have no recreational interest in Vicodin. I really liked having it around in the event of painfull injury that...
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You're the guy from Memento? Sweet! tongue

Update: I've been doing gongfu for a month now. I'm loving it. I'm finding that my increasing flexibility, energy, and most importantly, my good mood, just amazing. My only regret is not starting sooner. The initial difficulty I've found is in developing the technique in the left side of my akin akin to my right (I'm right-handed). That will obviously take time to develop so I'm not disheartened in the least. Technique, overall, is obviously coming as I practice more and more-- and seeing the various instructors correcting me less and less provides more and more motivation.

I'm also appreciative of the various aspects of the philosophy they preach ie., this shouldn't be viewed as just a workout, this is, in various ways, purely an art, and not just an art, but an art purely of the self. Of mind, body, and soul. 'Meditation is the Foundation of all True Martial Arts.'

The dojo itself is not as hampering as I first thought -- the amount of students they have was viewed as a potential hindrance. However, in addition to Sifu, there are ten other comfortable instructors who assist, so I don't feel as if I'm on my own. There is the occasional evening where there will be 50+ students, but it is never too claustrophic or instruction too thin. I guess what I'm trying to stress is that I don't feel uncomfortable.
I got my body fat tested today. I came in at 5.5% I don't know how I feel about that. I was at 10% last time I was checked and I don't think I look too much different. I worry that I have a little body dysmorphia.

I've gotta stop watching Woody Allen movies, they make me neurotic.
hm. Well, I know the name of the band.. but i dont really remember. I have memory problems. I dont remember names of bands, people, songs, streets.. haha.. But I have some zines that they put out.. and it has not only the names of thier previous band (and bands they were in) but also names of people in thier house, and different people who passed through thier lives. But i cant remember any of it smile sorry to dissapoint you. I could have been sneaky.. not replied and went home, read through the zines and then come back and told you, acting like I secretly knew. smile
haha.. maybe im lazy smile
I don't know what it is but I've been way into the 'hand-pumped' ales lately. That and 'cellar temperature.'

Not so much diggin the IPA I'm drinking though. It's alright but it's no Gretsky.
I finally got some pictures on here. Can't believe it only took me three hours to figure it out.

I'll crack that US Mint database yet.