I think I'm going to try and quit smoking for new years.

yeah, it's a little late, but that's better than never. Besides, I've been trying to for a while now and hopefully this'll give me the extra push I've needed. It's fucking time to get healthy again.
thank you for the comment on my new set!
it's motherfucking raining.
Normally, I wouldn't mind; I quite enjoy a good rain every now and again. But when it rains in Iraq, oh hell no. Get back from a five day mission and now I've got to deal with rain.

and it's probably windy.
THAT I fucking hate.
This is probably going to be my last post on here for a minute... unless we get internet in our rooms. then I could give a fuck what "agency" is watching where we go. I fly back overseas in five hours, ready to get back into the swing of things so I can get this shit over with and be a civilian again. It's pretty...
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haha, I just realized how shitty that last post was. I haven't been sleeping too well lately...I'm not sure what's causing it, I've always been a light sleeper but it's getting pretty bad; I'll only rack out for about five hours a night, if it's anything more than that I'll be up randomly throughout the night. It seems like it's getting harder and harder to...
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Havn't been on here in a minute, thanks to the military and their tireless monitoring and screening of anything cool. Been having to buy a bunch of my own gear....welcome to LRS.

Other than that, doing some good work, getting buff.

I'm home right now, it's pretty bitchin'
five years is going to be plenty. I've seen enough shit.

one more go and I think it's time to be a civilian. I'm not sure what the hell I'll do. but this is what I have so far.

-probably move back to California once I get out.
i don't say it enough, but got bless olivia munn.
oh there is one. how good of a ninja would it be if you could see it???
I know it's not technically OC territory, but you should hit up Club SG before you ship out again.
I ran somewhere between 6-8 miles today (in my ranger panties). hah, it felt pretty good to have bored housewives and co-eds honk at me while I was killing myself on the hills.

you really can't go wrong with ranger panties.