Wow, what another boring and usless day. Why can't stupid people just spontaniously combust? People in general are begining to get to me.

I have an annoying stalker at college. Which by the way is a white power nut case. I almost got hit today by an asshole in a pickup who dosn't know how to fucking merge.

Plus, out of my lab group it...
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Hey everyone! I just got added to BikiniAuditions.com as one of the top 10 bikini models. But you must vote for me to get noticed. So please people let me be the first goth chick to be on this site....because remember, you'll never meet a girl like me.
already voted for ya wink
You naturally got my vote, beautiful little asian queen. Who could ever compete with you?

swen kiss love kiss
Another day of yard work and scraps. When I moved out of my parents home I wanted a big yard like the one I had growing up. And after living in an appartment I kind of missed it. Now, after this summer of nothing of mowing, weeding, and back yard reconstruction I wish that someone slapped me really hard and said "Hey stupid! your going...
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Heh, I just got my halloween costume...its awesome! Its a dark fairy costume with pointy wings, and a mesh skirt overlay. I'm going to be working at a local club so I had to find something that looked hot. I even got 6 inch heal shoes to go with it. I should take a pic of me in it. I think it fits me well.....heh,...
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I like the picture, Dakora. Your halloween costume sounds rad too! I want to see that pic of it soon :-) ...
I love the pics love wow i wish i could see that halloween costume,take care sugar wink
We are living in a land without hope
Our culture has lost its will to live
Free is all I want to be
Im just so tired of being seen as an outcast
Just for speaking out my opinion in the land of the free
Freedom from the oppressive lies
We have to break to chains
If we want a tomorrow
You must stop and...
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Extremely disturbing thoughts stated in a clear but poetic way. I think you're right. I don't think many people will agree, though. They'll prefer to shut their eyes to the obvious and run like lemmings towards disaster.

Goodnight my intelligent, creative beauty.
swen kiss
Its been such a long day. I got a new job at the local high school as a teachers assistant for broadcast production. Its not that bad...I get to send 4 hours there and thats it. So at least I can stay home with my baby for some time before I have to go to college. I haven't been able to go out much. But,...
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Forbidden shadows shout out of the darkness
Tearing brusing fall
Appear razor sharp thorns that slash the skin
Making me beautifully numb
Blood drips down every newly cut wound
Razor fingers cling
As red as the roses that surround me
Pleading groping hands
In the darkness and silence it seems so beautiful
Desperate panic calls
Clear tears turn red with blood
Sharp cut aching breath...
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Woo hoo, I love your favorite bands. *smashes head into the nearest wall*
Forbidden shadows shout out of the darkness
Tearing brusing fall
Appear razor sharp thorns that slash the skin
Making me beautifully numb
Blood drips down every newly cut wound
Razor fingers cling
As red as the roses that surround me
Pleading groping hands
In the darkness and silence it seems so beautiful
Desperate panic calls
Clear tears turn red with blood
Sharp cut aching breath...
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Hey there, I was thinking about getting a tattoo. I'll post a pic of it and you can tell me what you think. I love egyptian hieroglyphics. I found an egyptian goddess that has the same name as me or the name meaning of what my real name means. I have the design up. its titled 'the tattoo I want' so take a look and...
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i guess im a jerk-off too...
i looked at your pics out of curiosity from the SGhopefuls group... i have a *few* honest comments.

i think everything is great about the idea, the setting.. the clothes, etc etc...

however... i think it would benefit the set as a whole with your hair being darker... and your eyes a little more sleepy.
i know asian/oriental appreciation. i have a lot myself. trust me... i have 25 kanji symbols on my body right now.
but i found it hard (coming from someone that ENVIES the culture so much as i do...) to see a wide eyed-strawberry blonde posing for it. the appreciation itself is awesome. i love it. i really do... believe me on this. please. honestly.
but i think if your hair were darker... if there were less poutiness in your lips.. less "wide eyes" shots... it would be absolutely *PERFECT*!!!
not that theres anything wrong... its just ::searches self for the right word:: ... out of place. anyone can do it. anyone. even an african/american. a native american. an albino. a caucasian... but.. seeing that im pale skinned and naturally red-headed at heart... these are changes that *I* would do myself to cooperate with the set idea.

dont think of me as being critical... i just want to help with my honest opinion. i think your ideas are wonderful. the setting is perfect... the one shot of your foot raised, with the bamboo shoots (?) covering the foreground... fuck-- thats amazing!!!!

its minor things that i think will score you in. undoubtedly. its easy. dont stop trying... ever.

get in. get up. get pink. i have faith in you... i really do. i've been looking at your posts for a little bit now... and girl.. you got it. biggrin kiss


ps-- seriously... please dont be mad at me for telling you my honest opinion... i want to help you get up as much as i'd love to hear from everyone the same input for me...

Thats ok...I love it when people give me honest truth then the walk around crap. It helps me become even better....

thank you

ps. the turn off thing is a joke don't take it as a for real thing. ; )
With all online models you always get those who bitch about people taking off with their pics. Hey! You chose to make a site and post your stuff on it. Its a risk your taking...if you don't want people taking off with them than don't put them up or have a lock on them. Yes I do get annoyed if I find people taking off...
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Doh! Sqook beat me.
I'll beat you like a rented mule!

(erm, not you.....grotesk, that is).