Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize

I really love this song. Actually, I have a thing for either really long or really short songs.

If you have about 18 minutes to burn and like or love progressive metal and psychedelic rock, I highly suggest this song.

(on a side note: new profile picture of me messing around at college)

【東方8-Bit/Instrumental】Avenue Room - 食は力の源なり

I've been listening to a lot of electronic/video game type music again lately because my godson really enjoys it. He particularly enjoys this song, always coming into my room just to listen to this song on repeat. lol


It's actually been a while since I've been on here. College has been keeping me busy, but I probably won't be a student anymore sometime soon. I guess college life just wasn't for me. I'm gonna start job hunting soon, all the while trying to keep up with doctor's appointments and trying to get the VA to up my disability claim.

Hopefully, this all goes...
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Getting ready to start college pretty soon and I'm pretty fucking excited. Going for computer sciences and all that fun stuff, sine I already have some basic knowledge into it.

And, to make things even better, my best friend, who is also my roommate, is going too, although he started in the summer semester.

I can finally keep myself busy again after two months of...
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So, I've been out of the army for about a week now, and I'm bored as fucking hell. There's really nothing to do outside of it.

Also, my beard decided to grow really fast in three days, and now it's been the same length for the past four. I'm confused as to what my facial hair is doing.

@bloodymongoose Thanks, dude. It's just weird not being told what to do all the time.
I've applied to colleges, gonna try to get my bachelor's in information security and general science, and spending time with my godson has prevented me from going crazy.

My profile picture is pretty old, although I love the way my eye looks, probably the thing that made me extremely narcissistic.

Would any of you like to see a different pic, and if so what kind of picture?
One of serious, silly, or maybe even just some random funny image I find on Google?


When and why the fuck did Pornogrind become a thing, and why is it appearing on my Pandora stations? I didn't sign up for this shit, dude.


If you have blue, purple, or green hair, 200% of the time, I will instantly fall in love with you.


So have some Stone Temple Pilots.

Great music to have while doing paperwork all day. ^~^


Nearly retired out of the army after four years. Sort of a bittersweet thing, but it's for the best considering how injured I am.

I'll be able to dye my hair blue again and get liberty spikes. So pretty excited about that and many other things.

And grow all the beard you could want!
Pretty much. :D

Anyone here a Kidneythieves fan?
Pretty fucking awesome, and I just got back into them. Cannot stop listening,



I now have the urge to play my MGS games while listening to this. iamerror is an awesome band.

(Metal) Gear Song