But that was only a bunch of imaginary
Notes I played
Just a little extra somethin'
To keep me goin' from day to day

That's okay

I'll be gettin' outta here pretty soon
Then I won't have to live In this ugly fuckin' room

Can't wait to see...
I can't wait to see what it's like
On the outside now...
Like a rainbow coloured sky
How they come and go
They come and go but why

For unknown
Is our fortune
And our fortune won't let go.
Pain day sky beauty die black joy
Love empty day life die pain passion
Joy black day hate beauty die life
Joy ache empty day pain die love
Passion joy black light.

And if God is dead, what am I?
A fleck of dirt on the wing of a fly
Hurtling to earth
Through a hole in the sky
A hole in the sky.
Anch'io son virtuoso abbastanza, e tuttavia
mi potrei incolpar di tali cose,
da pensar che sarebbe stato meglio
mia madre non m'avesse partorito.
Sono molto superbo,
vendicativo, pieno d'ambizione,
con più peccati pronti ad un mio cenno
che pensieri nei quali riversarli,
o fantasia con cui dar loro forma,
o tempo sufficiente a consumarli.
Che ci fa al mondo un essere così?
Sempre a strisciare...
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So I run to the lord, please hide me lord
Don't you see me prayin'?
Don't you see me down here prayin'?
But the lord said, go to the devil
The lord said, go to the devil
He said, go to the devil All along dem day
So I ran to the devil, he was waitin'
I ran to the devil, he was waitin'...
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