Needed to update my inactive blog. Just saw something pretty damn funny. Stewie and Brian Griffin destroying a record to the key of Office Space. After I was done laughing I thought of SG. Seems like everyone here is a Fam Guy and Office Space fan. Did anyone else see it?? There was a set a while back where a couple of girls destroyed a...
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hey...and yes I saw it and i laughed my fav part of the show.
i don't recall what set that was.
I'm back!!! What's up???
The diet is going better than expected. A couple of weeks ago my starting weight was 193. 5 pounds lighter than it shouldve been. Yesterday I weighed 188. If I stick w/ it I should be able to weigh less than 180 by dec 27. Than comes the real challenge.......keeping it off. Any tips from my faithful following (tre) on how to keep from snacking...
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I'm a little late for this, but congrats! I need to get my ass in gear and lose all this weight I've gained over the past 2 years . Also, this is gonna sound silly, but Suzanne Summers has a really good diet/weight loss book. It lists all the foods can be bad for you but are overlooked ( like carrots and corn)
Pffft dude, I only got all those comments because people keep answering my comments on their blogs on my blog, like I'm doing right now!
No one really reads it! So in a way it's just for you! shocked
I'm trying to fucking diet again. The rookie on the crew organized a diet till christmas where the winner wins beer. If I can stick w/ eating less and excercising a little more for 45 days (about 45 times longer than I usually last) than I can get a fridge full of healthy newcastle from the chumps that I work with. The catch is I...
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Hahaha, good luck with your diet smile

I need to lose more weight and gain some muscle myself ;_;
I definitely have the best fantasy football team I've ever had. I'm going to be especially annoying to watch games w/ this season. I'm going to watch the chiefs play on the 30th (in san diego) and I'll probably be rooting for LT while wearing a chiefs shirt........them San Diegans wont know if they should boo or high five me.
yeah I know I should try to keep my nerves in check. I think they are use to that sort of energy from me. Whenever we go like in public I sort of freak out a little. It is just the new people thing...I am feeling better I checked out alot of their profiles and they aren't like snobby looking moms (like blonde tan) but I am not sure if we all have anything in common. But yeah who knows so I am a little more calm.
Portugal nearly won some games on the rugby championship!! I mean wow they owned!! Or something similar but when they lose all the games! biggrin

Oh and been freakishly busy/ired later :\ Still alive thou! Hope you're ok biggrin

Oh and check Aeterna set, good portuguese reference for the friends and family. tongue
Has everybody see this shit w/ bill murray. WTF! Are they really so hard up to get a little attention in stockholm? I hope actors, americans and golfers everywhere boycott thier asses. See how tourism does without the american dollar for a while.
On a completely related note. Mabye bars should rent out golf carts to drunks so they can get home w/o causing any...
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I don't get it..

And not all of us have been there. smile Some of us are good kids.
Drunkness and golf carts can still lead to serious injury... Have you seen Jackass the Movie? x
Well, this post is merely killing time instead of vacuming, sweeping, and mopping. Putting things off is unlike me.....I wonder what's up? Mabye I should get one of those little vacums that runs itself. The roomba! While I'm at it I'll get one of the mowers that does the same. I could run it at 3 am to piss off the neghbors. All told those...
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I would totally get one of this.
Marsh......naughty, naughty or fuckin A .........I cant decide
Lie.......I have 2 Ice makers, but you've made me think seriously about the vacums
T....I'm researching it
What's so great about oranges. They can add vitamin C, calcium, folic acid (for those who may someday be "with baby") and all the other good stuff to fruit juices.........why not add it to something I want to drink. Mabye "Yukon Jack now with added calcium so your drunk ass can have strong bones". Or mabye "Budweiser with vitamin C, now mexicans and bikers can...
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Lucky you, all you get here on gyms is cheap dance music >_<
ah no I have tried all kinds of beer (people always said the same thing to me about pot which I was never into either)..I don't even consider bud and etc beer. (only one type of beer did I ever enjoy...celis rasberry which they no longer make) But my ex would tell me oooo this beer tastes like chocalate and I would taste it and taste a skunk. You could always add a little citric acid to your beer.
and yes I try not to allow other people to effect my daily life esp. those on the internet but I have just noticed a trend with people I see out and about also. So yeah I tend to rant alot.
and I doubt you are moron..I just ask random questions that aren't the easiet to answer
Does anyone know where to get a Driveshaft (from lost) shirt. I was mowing my yard last weekend, listening to razorblade suitcase and one of the songs on there reminded me of the song that jack is listening to in the season finale while he was driving the jeep or scout or whatever. Anyways I thought that a driveshaft shirt that looks like it came...
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Seems as though you've owned me twice today frown
Aw *pets* Hope you're ok other then that tongue
I happen to be stuck on Silverchair, Bush, Nirvana and the like lately. I went out and bought the new silverchair CD only to find that they put out a SHITTY album. For a shitty album though after 6 or 7 spins it gets to where it doesn't make you ill. I guess when you peak at 16, 30 is gonna be pretty ugly. I...
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I feel very young now..

Aw but Turisas are so lovely frown
Just a little something for my faithful readers (thats you T)

I heard a theory on soccer that is fun and ......well just fun. Anyways, people are just starting to take soccer seriously where I live. From what I understand, it' s a game where a bunch of guys spend half of the day running around trying to score. Since it seems in this game...
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HAHAHA, As i always say, soccer ain't fun until someone gets hurt. tongue

It's a boring sport where you watch 22 guys get all sweaty while running after a ball, I think it's a chick thing to watch Oo

Then again i don't get soccer.

Or as my supervisor sees it... the fact that I slept with the guy I work beside probably 4 days a week is just room to laugh. Yay!