I can't decide if I'd rather get laser hair removal, whole bikini area (~$1000?) or breast implants (~$5000?). I mean, I can't afford either, but I could work towards saving up for it. I want them both equally, because both things bother me a lot. I'm considering getting my nipples pierced again soon, but I'm hoping that my boobs will change back to their old...
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*lining up for the webcam bit*
Please don't get a boob job - your body is perfect!
I'm your internet bitch.
Today I'm feeling a bit ... "emo", if you will. I mentioned in my last blog that I've started studying Primary Education this semester. Well, I'm taking it ever so slowly and have just started with the one unit, which is Introduction to Science. The thing is, I'm fucking AWFUL at science. I always have been. Ever since I can remember. I just. Don't. Get...
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The brand dye i use is called Special Effects. I manage to get it all off when it's just been dyed, but everytime i wash it for the first 5 times my skin that it touches turns purple again, which sucks in winter with rain.
You can't tell anyone who knows me about SG, cause i mentioned to Kasey and she freaked out saying no i'm not allowed to be on here! I'm moving in with my bf in a few months so i shall do actual set then.
Your baby was cute when i met him at your birfday, how he was just staring at the light bulb. smile
I'm online, dammit, and you're not! I've been checking for you all day. Scary, huh?
I'm back, I'm back! And now with a 12 month membership! MUAHAHAHA! Yeesss. What I liked most about my SG membership was the groups and the chats. And the naked chicks. Yeah. So when I get time, I'll get into that again...

What's new? I've started a uni degree in Primary Education. I'm taking it easy and just doing one unit at a time, and...
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Oh, thank God - I REALLY missed you! Seriously. I was going to renew your membership for you when i found a fulltime job. Now hurry up and write to me!!!! kiss kiss
Welcome back. Seems life's smiling again for you.
Oh no. I am so, so, so terribly hungover. I'm so hungover. All I can think about is how hungover I am. I feel like I'm being a negligent mother because I've just popped Leith in his swing for like an hour but I'm so dizzy and he's not complaining so... ahhh... I dunno. Crap. I've got so many things to do around the house...
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I'm bored!! My partner and I just took so many naked pornographic photos of myself it's not funny. I'm half drunk and half hungry and I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow's hangover lol maybe if I just keep on drinking it'll never come YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

Ah, crap.
I've sat Leith (my son) in front of Play School on TV and one of the presenter's names is Justine, and it's confusing me. The TV is talking to me! It's asking me what the time is!! ... Heh. Well, that's my bit of fun for the day. What's sad is that I've actually seen this episode of Play School before.

Today I took Leith...
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I know what you mean about that look of confusion - tho' only from dogs.
Fucking hell! Tits are on TV and the kitchen is a mess. I just spent about an hour going through old pictures of me to add to my SG profile picture section thingy. Now I'm too bored to add some recent ones, so you'll just have to stick with images of old me the perfect size 8 and not new me desperately trying to get...
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Well I guess that's why they call it the boob tube... Happy boozing smile
I felt totally compelled to read through all of your entries, one just led to another. A part of me is relieved I don't have a baby now, that life would be so much harder, but a bigger part of jealous, I know you're getting a lot a cool moments.
Dear Mr Pooface,

I wish you were here because I've just had the most horrible day ever. I can't believe how tiring just looking after a baby all day is. I don't know. My back hurts from holding him for hours. Why didn't he sleep? Why did he sulk the entire time with me, but when you or my dad were home, he's all smiles...
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Remember, the pregnancy did leave lots of chemicals floating around your brain that will really mess up your coping and sleeping abilities. It may not be depression, but it does mess you up.

Boy needs to really understand you and your needs a bit more. I'm sure he can survive a bit without sex. It won't kill him. You need him now to be there for you. Lord knows I adore snuggling with Karen, even when no sex is in the offering. I'd think he should be thrilled to do that.

Hang tough, lovely.

kiss kiss
I'm trying to get a hold of a friendly little transvestite who made my life worth living when I was about 4 months pregnant. The silly boy keeps on changing his mobile number. He's someone I had such a crush on when I was in years 8 and 9, when he was in year 11 and 12. He was like nobody I'd ever seen. Pale...
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In answer to your Q in my set. My ears are real. smile
Thanks for the comment on my "Revolution" set! kiss

God, I'm starving. And the baby monitor is just humming away. Static. Buzzz. Partner is seeing Hot Fuzz tonight with a friend of his. Wish I could join him but alas, I have a baby to look after. Instead, a friend, an ex-boyfriend, but one more like my brother than anything else, is coming to visit. Walking all the way from the beach to my...
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Yes! Yes, they would, but I want to ... I can't thifn ok[ THINK STRAIGHT because I'm drimnl drunk
but fuclomg beasts of jellyfish i can't butr await your sincere malicious attemp[t to rape I,. because i AM MERE amoeba seeking justifocatopm I LOVE JELLYFISH FUYCK YOU I KNOW YOU' D LIKE TOM RAPE MUY KJKR;;UTODGBJDFGO D;GKKLVMSFKLMNOPWQrijmnew i but you can't you cunt you fuckl but i lik,re WOMEN sof screw you pedantic yheterosfuxck8ingsexuL UYOUPUSSY LOVING CUNT I HAYTE YOUR TESTICLES.

David: but fuck
Nevermind. I wrote the first half sentence and my friend wrote the rest. smile